#37 | Airplane Mayhem

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Yo I actually wrote this while I was sitting in the airport during Christmas Break, haha.✈️

{This is one of those where you and Colby first meet.}

💗Anyways, vote and listen to the imagines song!💗

Requests will resume tomorrow. Enjoy!

{Your POV}

As always, my punctuality fetish got the best of me and it decided to get me to the airport 2 hours too early. I rolled my carry-on luggage, trailing it behind me towards my gate.

"Excuse me, sir?" I tried to get the security guard's attention but he just continued to flirt with the middle-aged flight attendant.

I rolled my eyes and got in line at Starbucks. Might as well search for gate E4 with a cup of coffee in my hand. I ordered a small Caramel Latte and asked the barista to point me in the direction of gate E4.

Finally making it to my gate, I set down my carry-on and my purse. I checked my phone and realized it was only at 12%.

My luck, of course.

I scanned the area for an outlet on the wall, thankfully spotting one across from my gate. Next to it, sitting on the floor was a guy charging his phone, as well. He had long, flippy, brown hair, covering his eyes as he looked down at his laptop.

Hesitating, I walked over to the outlet. "Do you mind if I charge my phone here?" I cleared my throat.

He looked up, taking out his headphones.
"I'm sorry?" He asked.

"Is it cool if I charge my phone here?" I repeated.

He nodded, "Yeah, it's cool."

I sat down and plugged my phone in.

"Actually, could you move over a little bit?" He asked, pointing away from him.

"Yeah, sorry." I scooted away a little.

"A bit further more, please?" He said again.

"Okay..." I scooted down some more, as much as my charging cord allowed me to.

"Further..." He waved away.


"I'm totally messing with you." He laughed, "Come back." He motioned towards himself. I laughed, as I scooted towards him.

"I'm Colby. What's you're name?" He asked, smiling.

"(Y/n). Where are you headed?" I smiled back.

"Back to Los Angeles, you?"

"Me too!" I realized we were on the same flight.

"That's cool, maybe we have seats next to each other on the plane?" He pulled out his boarding pass.



We called our seat numbers out at the same time and laughed.

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