#23 | ICU's And Waiting Rooms (pt.2)

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Part 2 of ICU's And Waiting Rooms!

Vote, comment, and check out this imagine's song! And remember you are beautiful no matter what.

{Colby's POV}

I glared at him through the rear view mirror.
"You know something I don't?" I paused both my thinking and my breathing.

Sam bit his lip and stuttered, as his face began losing color.

"Sam, if something is wrong with my girlfriend, you need to tell me!" I said firmly.

"Alright man! The truth is... She hasn't been..." The words slowly fell out of his mouth as my palms got more and more sweaty by the second.

"What Sam? She hasn't been what!?" I tried to collect my thoughts.

"She hasn't been eating, okay!" The words echoed in my mind as they came out of Sam's mouth.

"What? No, that's impossible! She'd never starve herself... I- I bought her tacos yesterday, remember?" I shook my head, not wanting to believe what was happening.

"I saw those in the trash this morning, Colby." He said, in a saddened tone. "Look, I couldn't believe it either, but-"

"But what, Sam?! How did this happen? How- How did you know, and I didn't?" I questioned him.

"I was in my room trying to take a nap, when I heard this big crash sound coming from the bathroom. I ran over and it was (y/n) with a little bottle of diet pills, which she had spilled all over the floor." Sam looked down at her as I let out a sigh, my grip on the stirring wheel becoming stronger.

"Diet pills." I said under my breath.

"And she mentioned that she didn't even know I was home, which only made me more suspicious. She told me she was just trying to lose some weight for this movie role she's auditioning for, and obviously, I told her she was crazy. So, I took the pills and hid them in my room. The next day, I caught her taking one bite of the food you brought her, then throwing it away... She made me promise not to tell you, Colby, I'm sorry..." His voice trembled as I sped past the cars on the highway. "...And just last night, she asked me if I wanted those tacos you got her. I told her no, and that she had to eat them or I'd tell you, but of course, they ended up in the trash this morning." He began tearing up.

I was fuming. I couldn't even process my thoughts. They were running loose in my mind, trying to figure out how I hadn't noticed this was happening.

"I'm sorry, Colby. I should've told you as soon as I found out. I just-"

I interrupted him, "I walked into the apartment last week... she was throwing up. She told me she got sick, that it was something she ate, but... God, I should've known!" I slammed my hand on the steering wheel, my voice breaking.

The rest of the ride was silent as I continued to go 85 on a 60 mph freeway. Then 90, then 95, until we reached the hospital. I rushed out, yelling for help, as I entered the emergency room.

Sam trailed behind me with (y/n) in his arms, as nurses rushed towards us, rolling in a gurney for her. Sam put her down it, followed by doctors wheeling her into a long hallway, leaving me alone with Sam and my thoughts.

It was like time went by in slow motion. I hate waiting rooms with a burning passion. An hour went by and there was nothing but dead silence.

"Bro, do you want some coffee?" Sam said to me, softly. I just continued to look down at my feet. He nodded and sat down.

More silence.

"This is my fault." I whispered.

"Colby, d-"

"Don't." I interrupted, "I know her more than anyone. I sleep in the same bed as her every night. I'm with her every day. I'm her boyfriend, I should've noticed!" My voice grew louder with each sentence.

Sam put a hand on my back. "Colby, this is not your fault. Alright? You had no way of knowing."

"I just- I can't believe she did this." I whispered.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have hidden this from you. Please don't hate me as much as I hate myself right now." Sam said, as I gave him a hug. A tear escaped from my eye as I hugged back. "I'm so sorry, man." He repeated.

"It's okay." I forgave him, realizing it wasn't his fault either.

"Colby Brock?" A doctor came up to us, holding a clipboard.

I quickly stood up, "Yes? Is she okay?"

"Can we go see her?" Sam followed.

"The patient is stable. She's up now, but still a little groggy. She'll be in the Intensive Care Unit for now so we can keep an eye on her."
My heart was now beating out of my chest. I felt as though my body was starting to properly function again.

"She's going to be okay?" I asked, putting my hands together in plead.

"Yes. We got some nutrients in her and she's hydrated. We just need to keep that habit, of course." The doctor glared at me. "Is this the first time this has happened? She looks like a healthy young woman."

Sam and I nodded in agreement.

"She's in room 206." The doctor smiled.

Sam and I ran through the halls, finally reaching room 206. I took a deep breath and entered.

"Aw, princess." I said, walking in and seeing her hooked up to IV's and heart monitors. I sat on a chair after pulling it up to her hospital bed and grabbed her hand. "How are you feeling, (y/n)?" I kissed her hand.

She smiled weakly. "I've been better." She responded.

I sighed, "Baby... Why?"

She looked away.

"You know, I look at you and see this gorgeous girl. The girl of my dreams, right? There is nothing wrong with your body, (y/n)."

A tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry, Colby. I just thought- I don't know. Maybe I'd land the auditions for the movie if I was thinner. I-"

"You don't need to." I said, choking up.

She nodded, "I promise. Never again."

We looked at Sam, who was still standing at the door frame, basically crying. "(Y/n), you scared me, please, don't ever try to-" he walked towards her as she reached her hands out at him for a hug.

"It's okay. I promise. Never again."


Days went by, and (y/n) was finally released from the hospital. She landed the role at the auditions, by the way.

And most importantly, she kept her promise.

Yo. How was part 2?

I'll be doing more two-part imagines soon.😊

Hope you all loved it! Please vote!


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