#12 | Mickey Ears

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Helloooo guys!
This one is for...*queue drumroll*... dxgalaxy33!! I really hope you like it!

Now don't worry guys! Like I said I AM working on your requests. There's just so many! But don't worry y'all KEEP EM COMING!

Don't forget to check out this imagine's song (Troye Sivan music YES PLZ), and don't forget to VOTE and leave a COMMENT if you like it!

{Your POV}

"Wait up, babe!" Colby ran behind me as I slowed down to let him catch up. I could not contain the excitement that Disneyland caused me. Anyone who saw my little outbursts probably would've guessed that this was my first time visiting Disneyland. Of course not, though. I've been 27 times and counting. Disneyland just gives me life.

"Sorry, Colbs! You know Space Mountain is my favorite!" I giggled as he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"I knowww." The two of you walked quickly towards the line for Space Mountain before it got too long.

"Guys! Wait for me!" Sam yelled, trying to get through a mob of people to catch up with us.

After the ride, Sam, Colby, and I, decided it was time to take a water break. The dehydrating sun rays had been beaming down on your skin all day, causing the three of you to feel parched. After quenching your thirst, Colby decided it would be a fun idea to disappear.

"Great. Last time we lost him here we had to contact Disney Security." Sam groaned as he and I wandered around Magic Kingdom, scanning the area for any sign of Colby.

"He couldn't have gone too far." I said, a bit nervous and uneasy about Colby being M.I.A. Suddenly, Stitch, the Disney character, came up to us.

With that adorable voice, Stitch said, "Aloha. This is for you!" And with that, he handed me a neon blue notecard, which read...

Here your journey begins.
To check the time,
you must go
to the heart of Disney,
surely you would know.😉

"That's definitely Colby's handwriting." I smirk and hand the note to Sam.

"The time? Wouldn't it be easier just to check our phones?" Sam scratched his chin.

"No, Sammy. Don't you get it? It's a scavenger hunt, duh!" I excitedly bounce up and down. "Come on! The giant clock in Main Street! He'll definitely be there!" I cheerfully pulled Sam with me.

As the sun set, and the sky was starting to darken, we arrived at Main Street. We darted towards the big clock. No Colby sightings. Immediately, almost as if on queue, Peter Pan jumped out at us. One of the things I so dearly loved about Disneyland is how in-character the actors always remained. "I know something you don't!" Peter Pan sang, teasing us.

"Let me guess. You know where Colby is?" Sam said, playing along with Peter's story.

"Yup! But lucky for you, I'm a nice boy. So, here's a clue!" Peter Pan said, without stopping his prancing and jumping habits. I cheered.

"He said something about tea and getting dizzy." Peter elbowed Sam and added, "I don't know about you, but it sounds like Colby adds strange things to his drinks."

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