#58 |The Haunted&The Haunting(pt.2)

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{Your POV}

The night took its course, until suddenly, I was startled by a strange noise. A bird, perhaps. Almost as if a bird were flapping its wings right above my head. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, turning on my side to check my cellphone.

Reaching for my flashlight, I knew something was wrong.

Colby was gone.

I sat up, confused, looking around for him. I quickly grabbed my phone and shoved it into my pocket. Stumbling to stand up in the darkness, I pointed my phone light at the ground in front of me.

Suddenly, I began to hear strange noises coming from the trees above me. I had absolutely no idea what the noises could have been, nor did I have any desire to find out.

"C-Colby..." I whispered.

No reply.

Hesitantly, I began to shine the light upwards. My hand trembled, as my cellphone lit up the trees above me. Everything was silent and still. I could basically hear myself blink.

Before I could focus on the shadowy figure in the trees, I heard a familiar voice, loudly shouting from behind me.

"DON'T LOOK UP!" Colby yelled, causing my eyes to dart away as I turned around. Quickly, he ran to me, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the trees. He turned me around pushing me forward.

I didn't know what the hell was going on. I was beyond confused. Where did he come from? Why couldn't I look up?

"What the hell happened?" I yanked my arm away from his grip, waiting for answers.

"I- I don't know, just keep running and don't look behind us!" Colby began to turn me again, trying to get me to move faster.

"Hold on, we need the flashlights!" I said, quickly walking towards the small, tree-trunk, cave-like formation to get our backpacks.

As I reached for our belongings, a deep rumble from underneath us caused the ground to shake. I stumbled backwards, where Colby caught me until I regained my balance.

In the blink of an eye, the small cave had collapsed over all of our belongings, completely crushing anything underneath, including our backpacks and flashlights.

"Holy shit..." Colby gasped, fear clearly drowning his system. "We better go. Now. Leave the stuff, come on." He grabbed my hand, running as fast as both of our legs allowed us.

My heart was pounding in my chest in rapid, uneven beats. I couldn't fully process all that was going on. Nothing made sense.

Just three minutes ago, I was asleep. Now, we were running for our lives.

We continued to run. Where to? We had no idea. All we knew was that we had to get out of there, as quick as possible.

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