Chapter 9

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"You slapped him,  I can't believe that you actually slapped him." Luna was pacing back and forth while Emma was seating on the sofa, switching channels, trying to find  something good to watch while giving zero fùcks about what just happened.

"Can you stop changing the channels and tell me what the fùck just happened?" Luna took the remote from Emma's hands and sat next to her in the sofa, staring her down until she gave an answer. "They are both gone, so spill."

"Now!" she commanded.

"There isn't much to spill in the first place, he tried to kiss me, I didn't like it so I slapped him." she shrugged.

"You didn't like it!!!

"Bítch please! I saw how you shoved your tongue on his mouth and fist his hair. I was worried for a moment that you would take him right there and then with all the sparks that were flying around. Elijah and I were about to leave the room in order to give you guys some privacy but then out of nowhere you slapped him. So why did you slap him, and don't you dare to give me a bullshit reason cos I know you too well." Luna crossed her arms, waiting for an answer.

"I slapped him once my common sense returned. That man..."she got up and started to pace, trying to understand why he would affect her so much. "...ughh, he drives me insane. There is something, some type of je ne sais quoi bullshít that I can't put my finger on that draws me towards him while my mind is telling me to stay as far from him as possible. There is something in his eyes that challenges me and I want to figure out what it is but simultaneously I get this feeling like he is trouble. I am so confused." she ranted and then stopped pacing to sit near Luna.

"I know its a stupid question considered what I just saw but are you attracted to him?"

Emma nodded.

"Then you can jump his bones and enjoy the short time that he will be here. It's not like you have to marry the guy and from the chemistry that I just saw between you two I feel like its better to lose your V card with him than one of the boys at school that seem like they have no idea what buttons to push with you. I have never seen you lose your control like you did with London, and in front of people too. When I have seen you kiss other guys it has seemed like you were doing a chore and not enjoying yourself. Be wild and careless, live a little." Luna gave her a pat on the knee.

"I mean he does turn my brain into mush but I don't think I want for anything to happen between us. Before you say anything..." she gestured for Luna to stop when she saw she was going to start talking. "...I barely know the guy and I don't want to lose my virginity to a stranger, no matter how hot they are, and second, even if I spent some more time with him, London has the tendency to run away from me like I have the plague."

"He didn't ran away from you, Elijah dragged him outside after you slapped him. He looked like a dog that just lost his favorite chew toy." she chuckled.

"I am not talking about today. Last night when you and Elijah where sleeping, he kissed me. I kissed him back but the minute that I think I am on cloud nine the guy takes of running. When I say running I am not using a figure of speech, he sprinted outside of the cabin and didn't came back until this morning. He spent the fùcking night outside."

"What the hell?! He actually ran away? Well when he comes back I will break his nose, because from what you just told me that slap was nothing. And they have to leave, I don't care where they sleep. They have the whole day ahead to figure it out. I am sorry Emma I had no idea." she hugged her friend. "I would slash his tires to make that bastard pay but I am afraid that would be worse for us cos they will be stuck here and I am not sure who owns the car or I would have keyed 'Príck' on that stupid truck. Maybe we should pour bleach on his clothes, I think I saw a bottle on the bathroom cabinet." Luna tried to get up but Emma stopped her.

"Thank you for trying to protect me but it's not worth it. I won't turn into a mean person just because he is one."


"Why the fùck did you drag me outside? I will go inside and wring her pretty little neck. How dare she slap me." London growled, his eyes glowing.

"Careful, your wolf is still showing. You were lucky that I intervened before you fùcking transformed in front of them. How would you explain the situation if that happens. You have to rein in your wolf when it comes to Emma."

"My wolf would never hurt Emma. Since she saved his life my wolf has turned into a fùcking pussycat when it comes to her. It's tamer than the rabbits that he keeps giving to her."

"The wolf may not hurt her physically but she might have a heart attack when she sees the transformation. And what about her friend, can you guarantee me that your wolf won't harm her."

"I don't know what is happening." London rubbed his hands over his face, trying to calm himself.

"You do know what happened since the moment you first laid your eyes on her, or should I say since the moment you wolf laid his eyes on her. She is your mate! You know it, I know it and your wolf knows it too. Heck even the animals on the forest know it since your wolf has decided to gift dead rabbits to Emma. You are scaring your mate my friend. Give her some flowers instead of dead animals for a change. "

"She is human! My wolf is wrong, she is not my mate."

"Bullshit and you know it. Your wolf doesn't lie, it's you that has a problem and don't want to accept the truth. Sooner of later you have to accept it, your days are counted. You have to claim her as your mate, you don't have another choice."

"I have to look for another choice. I won't be claiming a human as my mate no matter of the consequences."

"That human had more balls than most of the werewolves that I know. Did you forget that she was the one that saved your sorry ass when you were injured and stuck on your big bad wolf form. If it was any other person on her place you would have died."

"That doesn't change the fact that she is human. I won't accept her as a mate."

"Well your previous mate was a werewolf but things didn't end well did they?"

"Don't talk about her." London growled ready to pounce on Elijah.

"As your beta I have to tell you the truth no matter how hard it is. Just because things didn't work with your previous mate it doesn't mean they can't work with Emma. You have to make things work or you will be dead in 30 days. Your life is literally in her hands. I just hope she is easy persuaded and accepts you as her mate otherwise my friend, you are good as dead."

Domesticated AnimalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora