Chapter 3

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"Wake up, Luna, wake up." Emma was shaking her, trying to wake her up.
"I'm up, I am up." She said turning on the other side and covering her head with the blanket.
"What the actual fuck!!!" Luna rose to her feet when Emma removed her blanked and threw her off the bed.
"Why did you have to do that?" She rubbed her eyes, squinting, trying to adapt to the sunlight that had engulfed the room.

"The wolf is gone." Emma said in a deflated tone.


"Can't believe that he left?" Emma asked, not believing how the injured wolf was able to leave.

"What did you expect, the wolf stay her with us and be tamed. Maybe he could be our pet and after our vacation is over we can take it to our dorm. I can't wait to see the faces of the other students when I go running in the morning and have the wolf on a leash running with me. At least I know that I would be safe from being mugged." She laughed imagining the situation.

"Well, I didn't expect that smarty pants but I can't believe that the wolf was able to walk after we saw how injured he was."

"Maybe he didn't like your hospitality. I told you you should have put some utensils next to that raw chicken." She laughed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Are you sure that he actually left and isn't hiding somewhere in the kitchen, waiting for us to get out of the bedroom before he can jump on us?" Luna asked popping her head out of the bathroom.

"I am sure, I checked everywhere and even locked the outside door so that he can't get in in case he returns." Emma reassured.

"Please no. Let's hope that this was my first and last time to deal with a wolf. It was a scary experience and I can't believe I was stupid enough to listen to you."

"You are right. I apologize for putting our lives at stake last night, even though it was for an good cause. That wolf would would have died without us. I think he understood that that's why he was calm."

"Emma please, the only reason why that wolf was calm was coz he had lost so much blood that he couldn't spare the energy to jump on us."

"At least we don't have to find that out. Hopefully he is doing ok."

"I am sure he will be fine and has returned to his wife and kids"

"You mean cubs?" Emma chuckled.

"Same difference." She stuck her tongue out.

"I can't believe you. Let's figure out what we should eat for breakfast since the roads are closed and there isn't anywhere we could go. Any special requests? Emma asked opening the fridge and trying to figure out what to cook.

"The raw chicken that the wolf didn't like wouldn't be a bad idea. Just make sure to give me utensils." Luna started to laugh.

"You will never change, will you?" she smiled.

"Nope, I don't plan on it. And thats why you love me. Now feed me, my inner wolf is hungry, and this wolf wants some bacon."

"Please, you are not a wolf, at most you are a cat." Emma said while making eggs and bacon for breakfast.

They ate breakfast in peace, looking at the white snow that was covering everything outside. It seemed like the nature was cold and had put on a white fluffy coat on. There was a deafening silence outside and they just enjoyed the view without saying any words. They had been best friends since middle school and even though Emma was more mature while Luna wanted to have fun their differences didn't drive them apart, instead brought them closer.

After they ate they decided to watch movies on Netflix. They choose to see romantic and funny movies because deep down they were scared to see a scary movie while they were living by themselves in the little cabin. They didn't want to jump each time that they heard the faintest noise.

"You know what would make us stuck in this cabin in the snow, with nowhere to go better?" Luna asked stretching. She had been lying in the sofa watching tv for the last couple of hours and now felt numb.

"Let me guess, guys!" Emma shook her head.

"Of course. At least if we had some guys around the time would pass faster. And we could burn some calories too." She winked and the started to laugh.

It was at that moment that the phone rang catching them off guard.
"That's not my phone."
"Mine either." Emma added, getting up to try and see where it was ringing from.

"Found it." Luna said, grabbing the phone. "I didn't know there was a landline. Who could be? Should I answer it?" She whispered.

"Just give it to me." Emma took the phone from her and pressed the answer button.

"Umm... hello?"

"Hi darling, how are you doing? This is Lily, the owner of the cabin. I just wanted to check up on you girls since there was a snow storm."

"Oh, hi Lily. Thank you for checking up on us. We are doing well, stuck inside for now, but we are still having a good time."

"I am glad to hear that you are doing ok. Let me know if you two need anything. I can send my son in case you need anything."

"We are doing fine. There is no need for that." Emma added, not wanting to bother some stranger.

"Don't worry, he won't mind to help out if you girls need something. By the way, just wanted to warn you to be careful and lock the doors because sometimes a wild animal or two may lure around the cabin. Don't go outside by yourself when it's really dark."

"Thank you for the warning Lily. It was nice talking to you." She said her goodbyes and hung up.

"Who was it?" Luna asked.

"The owner of the cabin. She wanted us to be careful and watch out from wild animals and said that if we needed anything her son was going to help us."

"You should have told her that you already became best friends with a wolf and that her warning it's a little late. Who knows maybe tonight you can meet a bear too." She smacked her with a pillow.

"You will pay for that." Emma grabbed a couple of decorative pillows and started to chase Luna around trying to hit her. She missed more times that she could count but then Luna saw something outside the window and froze giving her the best opportunity to come from behind and smack her at the back of her head with the pillow.
Usually Luna would have turned around and ran after her but this time she stood on her place.

"I think we have a problem." She pointed outside the window.
"What is it?" Emma came closer and started to scan the area outside.

"I think your boyfriend is back!"

"I can't believe it. How can he even walk?" Emma asked surprised.
Outside the cabin, the same wolf that they saved from the cold the day before stood proudly looking at the cabin. He looked even bigger today in daylight than he did the day before.

"Awww, he even brought you a gift." Luna joked when she saw that the wolf was carrying a rabbit, the dead's rabbit body hanging from his mouth.  "He seems like a keeper," she grinned.

"Maybe he is thanking us." Emma said. They saw how the wolf was walking towards the cabin, getting closer with each footstep.

"Or maybe it's trying to tell us that we are that rabbit and soon we will be his lunch." Luna said scared.

The wolf came closer and closer to the cabin until he arrived at the front porch, placing the body of the dead rabbit in front of the main door and then disappearing between the trees.

"I think he just proposed you!" Luna said to Emma."

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