Chapter 1

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"We are all going to die!!!" Luna stated as a matter of fact.

"It's only the two of us here," Emma replied and continued to drive.

"Who will take care of my pet?!" she complained.

"The teddy bear that you have had since you were a toddler doesn't qualify as a pet."

"I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to my husband and kids." Luna cried out.

"I don't see how you could have, seeing that you are single, and don't have any children," Emma said her eyes focused on the road.

"I might have someday if I didn't die tonight" As soon as the words left Luna's mouth, Emma had to swerve the car to the right before she hit the animal that crossed her path.

The car skidded in the snow and she was lucky that she maneuvered it in time so that she didn't get out of the road. While Emma wasn't reacting the same way as her best friend Luna, she couldn't deny that she was scared too. The snow kept piling up more with each passing minute and even though her 4x4 was keeping a good pace, it wasn't enough for them to reach their destination in time before the storm had them stranded in the middle of nowhere.

"What the hell was that? It couldn't have been a deer or a bear." Luna said, her manicured hand clasping her chest, trying to steady her breathing.

"It looked more like a large dog, but I don't think that we would see one running in the snow so it might as well have been a wolf. I am not sure if there are any wolves in this area. No matter what it was, I am glad we didn't hit it. Let's hope we can make it to the cabin in time." Emma took a deep breath trying to calm down.

Luna and Emma were seniors in college and had thought that it would be a good idea to rent a cabin in the middle of nowhere and have some girls' time away from the rest of the world for their winter break. In the end, they didn't even have to rent it because somehow they were given a free trip since Luna was the lucky 100th person that had chosen that cabin.

According to the owner, they had other cabins and wanted to get their name out by offering a few of the lucky customers a free stay. The girls had then filled their car with supplies and started the two-hour drive that now because of the snow, it was turning into at least a 4 hours drive.

They hadn't even expected the storm.

The stupid meteorologists had said that it would be a cold day and that the chances of snow were 15%.

15% my ass! Emma thought.

The only thing that was 15% right now was the visibility. She could barely see ahead where she was driving, and Luna running her mouth from topic to topic without any logic or even flow between her sentences wasn't making the drive easier.

She was thinking of ways to make her shut up.

Maybe kicking her best friend out of the car wouldn't be such a horrible idea.

"Oh my god!" Luna exclaimed.

"Now what?" Emma chuckled, waiting for the next thing that would come out of her mouth.

"Hear this. What if that wolf was actually.... ready for this..... drumroll please......a werewolf!!!! Boom, mind blown." She made an explosion sound with her mouth and even gestured with her hands.

"Maybe he was running home to his werewolf wife and werewolf children. Or better yet, he had just returned victorious after fighting a vampire that had crossed his territory." Emma mocked her.

"Maybe he crossed the road cos he wanted to check you out before he swiped your V card." Luna laughed.

"Maybe it was a were-woman so she wasn't interested in me or my V card." She stuck her tongue out.

"You are no fun." Luna crossed her hands, pretending to be upset.

"That's why I have you," Emma replied.

"How much longer?"

"5 more miles. Shouldn't take long. I hope the cabin isn't too far off the main street. The snow is piling up. I don't know if the car will make it if it's a dirt road." Emma sounded worried.

"I am sure we will be fine. The pictures looked very promising and according to google maps, it wasn't too far off the main road. I just hope that the snow doesn't cause any wire problems and we lose power." Luna spoke in a serious tone since they started this trip.

"Hopefully they have a backup generator, or the owner can send someone to fix it. Even though I doubt anyone will leave their homes in this snowstorm."

"What will we do if we are stranded in the middle of a snowstorm in the middle of the woods?" Luna sounded a bit scared. Her voice was shaking a little, even though she tried to sound brave. "We will enjoy each other's company, eat junk food, and gossip,"Emma stated as a matter of fact.

"And don't you worry babe, if the power goes out I will keep you warm." She added in a low baritone voice, trying to sound like a man.

The girls started to laugh, forgetting for a minute or two the danger that they would be if they didn't reach the cabin soon.

"At least we still have service," Luna added removing her phone from the charger and putting Emma's phone to charge. She wanted both of their phones to have full battery in case they lost power.

"My phone is 80%, it has battery." Emma said after she saw what Luna did.

"Not 100% though. Look, I can see the outline of the cabin. We are finally here." Luna squeaked with joy.

"We are!" Emma took a right and took the dirt road that took you to the cabin. Thank goodness the drive was just a couple of minutes before she was able to park her car in the driveway.

"The keys are in the flowerpot," Luna yelled, then carefully walked through the snow towards the porch where a couple of huge flowerpots stood proud next to the front door.

They were covered in snow even though the porch had a roof.  It looked like the wind had blown the snow pretty much in each corner.

Luna dug in the snow until she finally found the key and opened the door.

Emma followed her.

They were lucky to find out that the heat was working, but it would take a while for the cabin to get warm.

The cabin was cute, 2 bedroom and 2.5 bathrooms.

Its' wooden surroundings gave you the impression that you were protected here, and its' modern rustic feel made you feel right at home.

"Sooner or later we have to unload the car," Luna said sitting on the couch and getting comfortable.

"Later seems like an excellent idea to me." Emma turned on the fireplace and the TV that was mounted on top of the fireplace. The fire was warming up the room, while the snow continued to fall outside. "For now let's take a break, I am dying." she sat next to Luna and started to watch TV, finally at peace.


Never thought I would write a werewolf story but I guess there is always a first time. Let me know what your thought are for this chapter.

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