Chapter 2

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"Did you hear that?" Emma hushed Luna and mentioned with her hand for her to follow.

"It sounded like howling or some kind of injured animal. If you think that I will follow you outside you have another thing coming." she crossed her hands daring Emma to say anything else.

"It's cold outside, what if there is something outside that needs our help?" Emma said while walking closer to the door. Luna rushed and passed Emma, locking the door and placing the keys in her pocket.

They had unloaded the car after they had gotten some rest, ate dinner and were getting ready for bed when they heard strange noises outside. 

In the beginning they thought it might have been the wind, but when the noise came closer and it became clearer, it sounded more like a wounded animal. While Emma wanted to go outside and investigate what that noise was, Luna didn't want to let her best friend get into danger. She was sure that whatever the noise was they would be in more trouble than they could think if they went outside.

"Luna hand me the key, please."

"Emma, we don't know what kind of animal is out there. I don't think that going outside to investigate is a good idea." Luna tried to reason with her but at the same time she knew that if an animal was involved her best friend was a sucker and would try and do everything for them, not caring if she put herself in danger.

"I see fur!!!" Emma said peaking out of the window. Even though it was dark outside the lights on the front porch were enough for her to see a patch of black fur amidst the white snow.

Luna went to the window as well and followed her line of sight. The patch of black fur stood there, not moving at all. She was't sure if the animal had died or was still alive. Finally she walked to the door and opened it.

"Give me a minute." she told Emma and made her way to the kitchen. Looking around she grabbed the biggest knife that she could find. While Emma might not think that the animal was dangerous she wanted to be prepared.

"What are you doing? You are not killing it!" Emma said worried.

"Relax, I won't. Unless it jumps on us, then I will use it to protect us."

They both walked slowly in the snow covered ground, the patches of fur getting bigger the closer they got. At least the snow had stopped from falling giving them a clear view and didn't disrupt their vision.

They were a couple of feet away from the black ball of fur when they saw that the creature was injured. The red crimson blood was covering the snow near it was a giveaway that the creature was injured.

"Aww, the poor dog." Emma said trying to get closer.

Luna placed her hand in front of her, preventing it from taking another step.

"It's a fucking wolf, not a dog. Have you ever seen discovery channel. That thing will chew you up like a toy. Let's get inside. Now!" She started to turn but Emma wasn't budging.

"It's still an injured animal. And it's also freezing. If we leave it here it will DIE."

"Not my problem. It we don't leave it here, We Will Die! I don't want to be food. Let's go inside Emms."

"Please!!! Just look at it." she said getting closer to the wolf and started to pet it. His eyes following her moves but it stayed quiet.

"You didn't not just freaking pet a wolf." Luna whisper yelled at her, afraid that if she raised the voice the wolf would jump into its feet and attack them both. "This is not like the cases where you see animals on the street and ask their owners if you could pet them Emma. It can bite you., or worse kill you." She was scared, mad and whatever other emotion you could feel at this situation.

"It's trembling and shivering. Look at him. I think he understands that we only want to help him."

"It's still a wolf!" she whined. "And a pretty big one also. I don't want to be Red Riding Hood and get eaten by one."

"Luna, go grab a blanket."

"What? NO. There is no way that I will leave you alone with a wolf. You are coming with me." She grabbed her hand and dragged her inside. Together they made their way to one of the bedrooms. Found the biggest and thickens blanket and made their way outside.

"Let's put the blanket on top of it and leave." Luna suggested.
"Actually.... well you are not going to like this." Emma mumbled stopping on her tracks and looked an Luna.
"I was thinking of laying the blanket in the ground, moving the injured dog in it and dragging him inside where we can treat his injuries and keep it warm." Emma proposed, leaving Luna speechless for a few seconds.

"Emma, that is a fucking wolf, not a dog. We can't bring it inside. I love you, but I think you are losing it right now. Maybe the altitude has messed up your head."

It took them ten minutes of debating and for the love of life Luna had no idea how Emma managed to convince her to partake in her ill conceived plan. She placed the knife in her back pocket after she had secured it with a washcloth to not cut herself and right now they both were lying the blanket on the snow close to the wolf who was looking at them with watchful eyes but not making a move at all. For a second she thought that maybe the animal was able to understand that these stupid girls were actually trying to help him or her and maybe that would prevent it from jumping for their throats.

Now that the blanket was in the ground the hardest part came to try and place the wolf on top of it. They started slowly to push it towards the blanket and had managed to put it halfway in it, when they jumped two feet backwards because the wolf hauled and raised to it's feet.
They were about to run when the wolf just used the last of his energy to drag his body to the center of the blanket before looking at them both and then passing out.

"Emma, it that wolf doesn't eat you, I will kill you myself. I almost had a heart attack." Luna said holding her chest, trying to regain her breath.

"I am so sorry. I got scared too." Emma said removing wisps of hair from her face. "But at least that the wolf is unconscious it's easier for us to drag him inside and take care of that injured leg.

It took all their strengths to finally drag the creature inside the house and place it in front of the fireplace. The wolf stopped shivering after a while but thank goodness it was still unconscious.
Emma managed to find some bandages in the cabinet under the bathroom sink and cleaned the wolf's leg with water before bandaging it.

"It looks like a bullet wound!" Emma stated.

"And you know that from your vast expertise as a Grey's Anatomy fan?" Luna mocked her.

"Look it has pierced through his whole leg and you can see the hole. Who would haunt such a beautiful animal?" Emma spoke to herself.

"I don't know. Maybe someone that is about to get eaten by them. We are done here Emma. We patched up the leg, the wolf it's not freezing to death. Now let's go to sleep. I am exhausted."

"You are right. There isn't much more we can do for him." She said them went to put more wood on the fireplace so that it would give them warmth for the night. She then went to the fridge and grabbed some chicken and put it in a plate next the wolf.

"You forgot to give the wolf a fork, a knife and some napkins." Luna joked then walked towards the outside door and opened it a little.

"What are you doing?"

"I am leaving the door open in case our guest wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to leave. You and I are going to sleep together in one of the bedrooms because I don't want to worry all night that my best friend wakes up to check on our "little pet" and gets eaten."

She dragged Emma to her bedroom, locked the door and even put a chair behind it so that the wolf couldn't get it then they both went to bed hoping that their unexpected visitor felt better and wouldn't be there when they would wake up next working.

Who would be crazy enough to do what Emma and Luna did. I don't think I would be able to do that lol.
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Domesticated AnimalsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz