Chapter 4

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It had been two days that they had spent inside the cabin unable to leave because of the snow. Today the roads seemed much better since most of the snow had melted away. They still had to be careful because now the melted snow had created multiple mud puddles and if they weren't careful their car could get stuck on it.
"We have to drive to the village. We are running out of groceries and I need snacks." Luna said.
"We better leave now then. Don't want to drive in the dark since we still are not familiar with the place."

"Agree." Luna said starting to get dressed so that they could drive to the city that according to Lily that had called them again to check how they were doing, was about 25 minutes away from the cabin.
The drive to the village was easy and they didn't have any problems. In a couple of places they saw fallen trees but they were removed from the road so it didn't create any issues. They loved driving in the middle of the forest, trees surrounding everything making you feel calm and happy. They both agreed that if they drove at the same road in the dark it wouldn't be a feeling of calmness that would envelope them, but one of fear. While the tall trees were majestic and made you feel part of the nature, they also hid any danger that might have lurked around. Not letting you see anything until it was too late.

It didn't take them long to reach at the mini market at the village and grab what was necessary for them. They bought enough food for a couple of days but unfortunately they couldn't find a great variety of products. The guy at the counter barely registered them and just scanned everything without even looking at them once. Mumbled a "have a good day" then continued to play on his phone as soon as he was finished.

"This is getting boring and I want a drink. I saw a bar a couple of hundred feet back. We can stop on the way to the cabin." Luna suggested.

"I don't think it's a good idea. It will get dark soon and we bought groceries. Our ice cream will melt in the car." Emma tried to be reasonable but she was also bored staying inside the last couple of days with nothing to do other than watch tv.

"Please, it's probably colder outside than at the fridge that we have at the cabin. The ice cream might freeze even more. Let's have a drink, or two." She wiggled her eyebrows.
"Fine lead the way." She said and followed Luna's directions until they reached the front of the pub. The outside looked like it needed work yesterday and Emma wasn't sure if it was a good idea to even step out of the car.

"Drunken Harlot!" She read the name of the club. "I like it already." Luna stepped out of the car making the decision for Emma. She followed track and walked towards the entrance. As soon as the pushed the door open the heavy scent of liquor and cigarette smoke hit them.

"Isn't it illegal to smoke in a public area?" Emma whispered.

"I don't think they care much about what's legal here." Luna stated as matter of fact and walked towards the bar.  Emma sat next to her and ordered a virgin mojito since she was the one that was going to drive. She turned around to see that the conversations had stopped for a minute and that everyone was looking at them before they resumed doing whatever they were doing.
"There is not a single female here other than the bartender and us." Emma whispered, motioning with her head for Luna to look around.
"Maybe its a gay bar." She shrugged.

"Maybe its a gang bar and we should leave." Emma spoke low, her words barely a whisper.

"I actually would prefer to be a gang bar than a gay bar. Did you see some of the finest male specimens that have walked the earth here. Take a look at the table by the window." She winked at her. Emma half turned from her seat, sipping on her drink as not to look conspicuous, and chocked on her drink. Luna had to pat her on the back.
"Damn mamma, you thirstier than I am." She chuckled."
"They are so hot it's not even fair." Emma looked at them. They were sitting so she couldn't tell how tall they were but she could see that they were lean and fit. Their bodies and faces made to be admired. Their faces were a masterpiece that she could spend hours looking. The one on her left seemed to have green eyes and his black hair that was shorter on the side and longer at the top made her want to run her fingers while she kissed those delicious lips that seemed to have been made to make her sin.
Where the hell did that thought came from? The one on the right had dirty blond hair that seemed messy like he just got out of the bed. She couldn't see his features as well as the features of the guy on the right but as far as she could see but they were so sharp that he could cut glass with.
"I am so hot." Luna fanned herself.
"You are making a scene." Emma reproached her.
"I can't stop it. I saw a cockreach." She kept fanning herself and took one of the ice cubes from her drink and started to apply it to her face, trying to calm herself down. She was a sexually active girl and had her fair share of partners but had never been affected this much by a man that hadn't even laid an eye on her let alone a hand.
"Oh my god, where is it. I hate cockroaches." Emma said looking around. Putting her feet on the bar of the stool not wanting to accidentally touch the revolting creature.
"Not a cockroach silly. A cockreach." When Emma just raises an eyebrow not understanding what her friend was mumbling Luna sighed and turned to her to explain.
"Cockreach, a cock within the reach, or a cock that you want to reach."
"Ugh, you are horrible. Damn your dirty mind. Now every time that I hear the word cockroach I will be thinking of what you said."
"You are welcome." She continued to lust after the men at the window. The one on the right took a sip of the beer and then lighted a cigar. Smoking was a big no on Emma's book but he made it seem like a sexy gesture. His lips wrapping on the cigar and inhaling before he blew out the smoke.

"If he sucks and blows me the same way as he is doing with that cigar I would die a happy woman." Luna took another sip of her drink trying to cool down but it wasn't enough and she finished the whole damn thing, ordering for another.
"They could hear you." Emma couldn't believe what Luna was saying.

"They are too far to hear anything. But in case they hear anything I hope they come home with us tonight. I have needs!"
Emma looked at the guys at the window that seemed like they had stopped talking and were looking at their direction. The one on the left raised his glass towards her and nodded his head before resuming the conversation with his friend. The one on the right raised his eyebrow, gave them both a quick glance before the corner of his lip twitched in a barely there smile. 

"I call dibs on the guy on the left." Emma blurted. She wasn't sure why she choose him. It might have been his piercing green eyes or the beard that was carefully trimmed. She imagined how that beard would feel between her legs and had to cross them not to let out a moan. She had never been attracted this much to a man that she could throw caution out of the window.
"Look at you, making progress. And I am glad that you chose him because I am more attracted to the dirty blonde. I wonder if he is as dirty in bed also." She bit her lip imagining what she could do to him.

"At least we can imagine what they can do because there is no way that those two men could even be remotely interested on us."

"Watch and learn." Luna said, putting her second drink down and stepping down from the stool with the intention of walking towards those two sex gods and asking them out.
It seemed like god had other plans and that was the exact moment that they put money down the table to cover for their tab and then walked outside the bar.

"There goes my night!" Luna slouched at the stool ordering another drink.

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