"RACHEL! *muffled scream, muffled scream* LONDON! *muffled scream, muffled scream* ENTERED! I gotta call Eli! BYE!" She says before hanging up. Ok, so she entered London? Something in London? Tickets to London? We'll see when she calms down. I get out of my car and step into the hot El Paso Sun. I rush inside to escape the heat and plop down on my couch, exhausted. Slowly, but surely, my eyelids flutter closed.

My legs feel as if they can't support weight when I look into his eyes. His brown eyes bore into me, yet, I don't know him. But I recognize him, but from where? He smiles slightly, but instead of making him more attractive, it makes him look constipated. I laugh, and a confused look goes over his face, yet he says nothing. Slowly, the smile creeps back over his face, a better, less forced, less constipated smile. He reaches his hand up and places it on my face. Softly, "Hit Me Baby One More Time" starts playing.

Wait... What?

I rip my eyes open and look for my phone. Jordyn's calling again.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Ok! So, Rebecca and I won four tickets to see our favorite band in London!" She tells me quickly.

"That's awesome!" I tell her, sitting up on my couch.

"Wait, that's not the best part." She starts, "We're taking you with us!!" She practically yells.

"What? I GET TO GO TO LONDON WITH Y'ALL?!" I yell and jump onto the couch and start jumping around. I've always wanted to go to London!

"Yes! Ok, we leave Monday, the concert is Tuesday, we spend the day with the band on Thursday, then we come back the following Monday." She tells me, she knows I'll worry about what's going to happen if I don't know.

"Kick ass!!" I tell her. "So, this Monday?" I ask her.

"Yes!" she says excitedly. "It's you, me, Eli, and Rebecca!" She tells me.

"So, why are you guys bringing me? I don't even know what band you're talking about." I tell her, curiosity getting the better of me.

"We're sure that once you hear their music, you'll love it. Plus, we know how much you love British accents." She says, I can hear her smile.

"Quite true, I do love a good British accent." I say in a British accent. She laughs and tells me she's got to go. I hang up and I realize that today is Saturday.

Shit! I've got to pack!


I'm listening to "Just Tonight" by The Pretty Reckless when there's a honk from outside. Excitedly, I stand up and grab my stuff, lock up my house, then rush out to Jordyn's car, where she, Rebecca and Eli are waiting for me. Jordyn has the top down on her dark blue convertible, and the slight breeze makes her brown hair stir. I get in before I ask her, "When did you add the pink tips?" she turns around and looks at me with her deep brown eyes.

"Yesterday, I was bored." Eli laughs and Rebecca smiles, "But, do you know what time it is?" Jordyn asks and gives Eli and Rebecca a mischievous look. They all smile at each other and I'm a little afraid as they scream, "ONE DIRECTION TIME!" And Jordyn turns the music up and a song starts. She puts the car in drive and we're off to the air-port. They're all singing along and harmonizing, it sounds really cool.

"So get out, get out, get outta my head, and fall into my arms instead. I don't, I don't, don't know what it is, but I need that one thing, yeah, you've got that one thing." The song sings. It's kind of catchy, and I find myself humming the melody. We're halfway to the air-port, when a slow song comes on.

"Oh my God, guys! I love this song!" Eli squeals and cranks the volume up higher.

"Shut the door, turn the lights off. I wanna be with you, I wanna feel your love. I wanna lay beside you, I cannot hide this, even though I try. Heart beats harder, time escapes me. Trembling hands touch skin, it makes this hard girl. And the tears stream down my face... If we could only have this life for one more day, if we could only turn back time..." This song is sweet, and I know the chorus is coming up. "You know I'll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be. My love, my heart is breathing for this moment in time, I'll find the words to say before you leave me today." And the song continues beautifully. I'm still awestruck as the song ends and the next begins. I turn my head and look at the trees as they pass by, still thinking about the lyrics. As the row of trees end, and the air-port appears, I rip myself out of my thoughts. Rebecca is staring at me curiously, so I smile at her. Rebecca has light brown hair with blonde highlights, her eyes are dark brown, but they glow when she smiles. She looks away from me and goes back to singing.

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