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(Note: This is Twilight's appearance, isn't he hot?)

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Note: This is Twilight's appearance, isn't he hot?)

A week after..

In a chill tuesday afternoon,

you find yourself sitting on your favorite spot of your favorite café.Staring outside the glass window while stirring your coffee endlessly.

You sigh of boredom and you glance at your sketch of that man. Even after a week, you couldn't get him off out to your mind. He's quite unique,you think. Protecting you is such a manly act which makes you attracted to him more. Out of so many men you've dated, he's definitely the type of man that you wanted to marry.

"Oh my God!"
A stranger terrifyingly exclaimed as she ran outside the cafe. Some of the people followed to as they screamed in horror. You didn't know what's going on. "Run everyone! There's a bomb!" But before you could react, A strong arms of a man suddenly  wrapped around you as he jump off the glass window-breaking it to avoid the explosion.  He carry you in a bridal style while closing your eyes to get away from the about to explode café.

"Are you alright?" He asked gently placed you into the grassy ground as he put a strand of your hair to the back of your ears. You keep closing your eyes and then a huge BANG echoed around the area. You slowly opened your eyes as while you can hear how your heart beats so fast.

It's him, it's definitely him!  You said into your mind. You didn't realized that you're staring at his blue eyes, like you've fallen into his love spell.

"Miss?If you are not alright, I could send you to the nearest hospital"

"Oh God, am I in heaven now?"
You shook your head as both of you stood up. He raised one of his eyebrows in confusion. "Because there's an angel in front of me." You added.


"Oh I'm sorry I'm like this in some occasions." You replied to him while smiling awkwardly making him more confused. But he knew in the back of his mind what you meant. He smirked because he successfully lured you into his trap.

" But thank you and yes, I'm alright. You just popped out from nowhere and grab me like a doll and crash to the glass window, is your body a rock? That window was surely hard. How about you? Are you okay?" You stated with incomprehensible hand movements, making twilight think that you're a child rather than a hot author. He even wondered why you didn't got scared, seeing the crying people around after witnessing a frightening scene. You  definitely must get scared too.

You wondered too why you didn't, after he saved you, you didn't got scared at all. You just felt so safe and comfortable into his arms which is odd. You never felt this before even when there are times that you're surrounded with strong bodyguards.

"I'm good, thank you for your concern." He coldly replied to you.

"You saved me from a maniac last time too. I felt so sorry for not thanking you."

"It's nothing, miss. I just couldn't stand seeing such scene."

"Call me Y/n, Y/n Schmidt." You stretch your arms towards him, asking for a handshake.

"I've been seeing you on the news papers and television, only few people will not recognize you miss, I am not just comfortable calling you by your name.Caius Miller is my name." He accepted your handshake and you gave him a smile.

"Should I give you a ride home?"
He offered, you screamed into your mind. Something is happening!!!

"Are you okay with that? I mean I would love to but."

"For your safety miss Y/n. An important person like you shouldn't go out alone." You followed him to his car and he opened the passenger seat for you.

He dropped you in the front of your gigantic gate. You supposedly use your secret passageway but you already knew that your father already got the news.

"Thank you very much for the ride, Caius. Hope we'll meet again."
He nod in response.

"Uh how about a dinner tomorrow, my treat. Just to thank you?"
You offered shyly to the cold black haired man. 

"I helped you because I wanted to and not asking for any exchange."
You just couldn't believe how cold this man is and you got a little embarrassedWhat does he think he is? I am Y/n Schmidt! asking a guy for a thank you dinner that seems like not interested on me!!

"How about let's call it a friendly dinner? I wanted to know you, actually." Goddammit Y/n, there are a lot of guys out there. But you know he's different. You've been thinking about him and finally got an opportunity. You set your pride aside just to meet this man again.

" It's settled. I'll pick you up at 6."
He straightforwardly replied. You sigh of relief and wave him goodbye. He didn't left, watching you get inside to make sure you're safe.

He pressed a device placed on his ear and said;

"Mission phase 1, complete."
Then drove away.

Amaryllis. | Loid Forgerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें