I smiled, kissing him back. Something was off, but I didn't really mind. It was probably nothing, anyway. They probably dated in high-school or something. No big deal.

"I'll see you later? We'll get lunch after?" He held onto my hand as I stood up.

Nodding, I waved at them. "Yeah, I'll text you." I responded, feeling hungry already.

Jake stayed quiet but waved back.

"Well, have fun in Economics, boys." I walked away. I entered the building and went into my classroom.

A couple hours went by after my class had ended. I sat on a bench and read my textbook, waiting for Colby to come meet me. Suddenly, I got a wiff of a sweet, almost floral perfume. The same perfume as earlier today. I looked up from my book and took out my headphones as I realized the same small framed, blonde girl was sitting right next to me on the bench.

She nonchalantly scrolled through her phone, now drinking what looked like iced tea. I wanted to talk to her so badly. I was dying to know what Jake was talking about earlier.
Unfortunately, she noticed my staring and before I could say anything, she looked up at me and interrupted my thinking.

"Sorry, was this seat taken?" She asked, raising a brow.

"No, no. I was just-" I cut myself off, "Did you go to Hamilton High?"

She nodded, examining me like she recognized me. "Yeah..." She squinted her eyes. I could see the gears turning in her head as she tried to remember if she had seen me there before.

"So did I. I think you were friends with-"

She put her cup down and turned her body towards me, crossing her legs excitedly. "Oh my gosh! Jake, Sam, and Colby! I thought that was you!"



She cut me off, "I know who you are silly! You're that loner girl I dared Colby to ask out! I can't believe it's been this long!"

"Wait what?" I blinked, confused and thinking she was mistaking me with someone else.

"He lost a bet but didn't have money, so I dared him to ask you out." She laughed.

"That's crazy..." I looked away in disbelief.

"No, what's crazy is that you two are still together! I mean-" She giggled. "What are the odds? It was all just a dumb joke."

Hearing that made my stomach turn. Suddenly, I didn't feel so good. I began to stand up, wanting to just go home and take a nap. I didn't understand what this even meant. Had our relationship just been the result of a childish game? Was it all fun and games at first? I was now questioning the past three years of my life with Colby.

"Well, it was good seeing you! We would've been great friends back in high school." She smiled while putting some hair behind her ear and plugging headphones into her phone.

I smiled faintly, grabbing my backpack and leaving. I walked briskly, skimming through the millions of thoughts in my mind. I couldn't believe that Colby had kept this from me for three years.

My thoughts were briefly interrupted as Colby saw me speed walking towards my car.

"Hey, I'm feeling like some pizza." He caught up, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

I didn't stop.

"What do you wanna eat, cutie?"

I shrugged and pulled my hand away, shoving it in my pocket. "I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten all day though. What do you mean?" He watched as my hands hid in my pockets.

"I lost my appetite when I talked to your friend Macy." I unlocked my car as I got near it.

He stopped in his tracks, sighed, and caught up to me again, standing in front of my car door. "What did y'all talk about?"

I gave him that look.  That  Stop Acting Stupid  look. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, gathering his thoughts and trying to form them into sentences.

"It's not as bad as it sounds, okay?" He blocked my door.

"Please move aside." I stood in front of him, repeatedly clicking the unlock button on my keys.

"Stop, just hear me out okay?" He grabbed my arms gently.

"Hear what? That I was some dumb bet? Some fucking joke to you guys?" I pushed past him and sat in my car.

Colby shook his head, holding his hands out and waving them in denial. "Not at all! You were-"

"A lost bet." I cut him off by turning my car on and putting it in reverse.

"Don't fucking say that." Colby reached in and pushed the gear shift back up to park. "That's not true!" He held onto it, seriousness in his eyes.

I crossed my arms. "Colby that's just so fucked up. And you hid it from me? Like, what else am I supposed to think?"

I could see he was getting frustrated now. He leaned on the frame of the car door, trying to think thoroughly before saying something unhelpful.

"I know it sounds bad, but you're most definitely not just a lost bet. Okay? Thanks to that stupid bet I met the love of my life."

I sighed and rolled my eyes at his cheesiness as he grabbed my hand.

"I swear, I would've asked you out eventually anyways." He insisted.

"She called me a 'loner' and said you asked me on a date just because you didn't have money to pay off the bet." I raised an eyebrow, trying not to get too upset. I can't lie, I felt hurt.

"Okay, yes, I didn't have money. And yes, I asked you out to pay off the bet with Macy. But I didn't see it as a game. It was never a matter of dating you and dropping you. It wasn't a game, I'm serious." He explained, not letting go of my hand. I felt as though he wanted to keep me from reaching the gear shift again.

"Why was I loner girl then?" My brows involuntarily furrowed and my lips curved into a sad frown.

"You weren't, babe. You were just the new girl so of course you were her next target. Listen, she hated you. She wanted me to hurt you and play with you. She just wanted me to leave you broken but I would've never even attempted to do that. The guys and I, we all cut her off for a reason. She was just a bad person in general. She fucked us over a bunch of times. It was only a matter of time before we dropped her. But pursuing you was the only good thing she encouraged me to do." He assured me, sincerity in his eyes.

I reached up to pull him in for a hug. My arms wrapped around his neck as his arms snaked around my torso.

I felt silly for overreacting.

"You're my girl. You're everything to me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it right away. I didn't want you to feel like it was all fake. I didn't think it through." He rubbed my back, trying to comfort my worries away.

"It's okay, I'm just... Please don't keep things from me. You know I question and overthink everything. I seriously questioned the past three years of my life and it was horrible." I began to wipe a stray tear away.

"No, no, don't do that. I'm sorry." He pulled away from our embrace and kissed my cheek. "I would never string you along. I love you, okay? Don't you ever question that."

I nodded and pulled him back into a hug, this time making it last even longer. I never want to let go of him.

And I hope I never have to.

Hi loves! ❤️

Don't forget to VOTE if you want me to post next week!!

I'm thinking about having y'all vote (in the future) on what genre of imagine I should post next. We'll see.

Stay tuned!


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