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A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter. Also hope it's long enough

Amy's POV

It's been a week, one week since Dan and Lolo got hit. I honestly have no idea what to think right now. What would you think if your two little sisters have been hit and now have memory loss? This house hasn't really been the same since last week. I know the doctor said their memory would come back but sometimes things don't go as planned. We still haven't told the cimfam yet, but how should we tell them? I'll just ask Christina.

"Chrissy!!" I yelled.

"What?" She replied.

"Can you come here real quick?" I ask.

"Fine." Then I hear her footsteps and the door opens.

"What?" She asks.

"How should we tell the cimfam about Lauren and Dani's accident it's been a week and I don't think we should wait any longer." I said.

"Maybe we should make a video, just you, me, Kath,& Lise?". She suggested.

"Okay. When?" I asked.

"How 'bout now,I mean if your ready." She said.

"Sure I'll meet you downstairs, but first i have to get Lise and Kath. Kay?" I said.

"Kay." She replied

I get up to go find Lise and I find her in her room, painting her nails, of course.

"Oh hey Ames." She said when she finally notices me.

"Hi, Chrissy wants you downstairs do we can film a video explaining what's going on." I tell her.

"Okay I'll be down in a sec." She said.

"Kay." I said.

Now to find Kath, this should be easy. I walk downstairs and find her in the kitchen.

"Hey Kath." I said

"Oh hey.What's up?" She said

"Chrissy wants us to make a video explaining what's been going on." I explained

"Okay. I'll be there in a sec." She said

"Okay." I said

-- time skip everyone's in the music room --

"Okay." Chrissy said "Everyone ready?"

"Yeah." We said

We all got into position and Christina started the camera.

"Hey I'm Christina."

"I'm Katherine."

"I'm Lisa."

"I'm Amy."

"And we're Cimorelli." We said in unison

"Now you may be wondering where's Lauren and Dani." Chrissy started

"Just last week they were involved in an accident." Kath continued

"They were out with our parents walking to the car, when a drunk driver came zooming by and hit them." Lisa said I could tell she was trying to hold back tears

"They have lost their memory but the doctor said that it should come back to them, but anyway we hope that you will keep them and our family in your prayers thank you." I said also holding back tears.

"Anyway we hope this clears up everything" Lisa said.

"We love you guys!!❤" We said in together.

Then Christina shut the camera off.

"I'll go edit it" Lisa said

"Kay." We replied

-- time skip the videos edited and up on YouTube --

I was looking at the comments on the video we posted when one caught my eye.

ihatecimorelli: they totally deserved to get hit

I could feel the tears threating to spill. Why are people so mean now. They don't know what it's like so they have no right to say this.

-- time skip time for bed (sorry for all the time skips lol) --

I'm laying in bed just scrolling through twitter. Just responding to fans and following people. I decided to tweet something

@AmyCimorelli: Thank you guys for all the love and support and for trending #prayforcimorelli and #getwellsoonsugarandspice. You guys are the best. I love you guys soo much❤❤. Goodnight <3

With that I turned off my phone and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Written by: girlzgeneration9

What Now? (Cimorelli Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz