[3] L I S A

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A/N: Hope this was a long enough chapter. :) enjoy.

Lisa's POV

I was finishing up editing the covers when the phone rang. "I'll get it." I yelled.

--phone convo--

(M= Mom L= Lisa)

M- Hello?

L- Hey mom.

M- Lise?

L- Yeah mom?

M- I need you and the others to get to the hospital NOW!

L- Why? What's wrong?!

M- Dani and Lauren where hit by a car. Also i already called Mike and Chrissy

L- Okay mom see you soon bye

M- Bye, stay safe

--end phone convo--

I just sat there as everything mom just said processed through my head. I can't believe our little sister were just hit by a car, I immediately began crying.

Then Kath came in "What's wrong Lise?" She asked, clearly concerned.

"Laur...Dani. They were hit...by a car." I said through several pauses do to my uncontrollable cries.

I can see Kath in the corner of my eye cover her mouth with her palm and start spewing tears just like me. She came over and hugged me tightly as if I would get hit too.

"Come on," Kath said after awhile of crying, "let's go to the hospital."

"Okay, I'll get the rest, you go start the car." I suggested wiping my tears on to my shirt, trying to at least try to stop crying and be strong.

"Amy! Laur-!" I stopped myself from finishing that sentence as I began to really process reality. I let myself calm down, part of which was me trying not to cry, and continued to call out names. "Amy! Alex, Christian, Nick, Joey! Car now!" My voice cracked here and there and I was sure my appearance looked like I've gone through a heartbreak. Which was half right.

Amy came down first, "Why?" Then she took a look at my face and soften up, "what's wrong? Is somebody hurt?"

"Let's go, I'll explain in the car." I replied not wanting to waste anytime from seeing Lauren and Dani.

"OK." She said simply and thumped down the stairs.

Everyone piled into the car and we zoomed our way to the hospital where currently my two little sisters were in danger.

---skip the car ride and the explaining---

We zoomed through the lobby and demanded for Lauren and Dani Cimorelli. We all looked eager and we must've looked like zombies, but none of us cared, and I'm sure the nurse has seen way worst. Positive.

"Calm down, they are still in operation, their room number is 245, but their operation room is just down the hall." The nurse said and then pointed to the right hall.

Everyone ran including me, but Katherine said a quick 'Thank You' to the nurse right before.

We rushed there to see a standing mom and dad looking all worried and red eyes as if they haven't had sleep for the past week.

We all stared at each other in silence, no one dared to speak, I was scared I were to say the wrong thing. But I finally worked up the nerve to say, "So? How are...Lauren and Dani?"

"Still in operation." I mentally face palmed myself, duh they were still in operation. Sure enough, I did say the wrong thing.

Just as mom was about to tell us something, the big red, glowing 'in operation' flicked off and the doctor pushed the doors open. He flicked off his bloody gloves, then another doctor came out and copied his actions.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Tony Grande." The first doctor introduced.

"And I'm Dr. Mike Tyson." The second doctor also introduced. "I assume you are their family. Lauren and Danielle Cimorelli."

We all nodded yes.

"May we speak to the parents?" Dr. Grande requested. Mom and dad stepped forward from the crowd of children.

"I'm Lynne and this is Michael. We're the parents of Lauren and Danielle." We rarely ever address Dani as Danielle, but when we do, it's never good.

"Hello," Both of the doctors shook our parents hands and proceeded to talk.

"Lauren and Danielle's operation went well, but I cannot say full expectations. They both suffered concussions that might take a toll on them learning to talk or even walking again." Dr. Tyson explained.

Mom's eyes brimmed with tears once again and I couldn't help but hide myself behind Katherine, putting my head against Katherine's shoulder.

Walk? Talk? What?

"Physical Therapy have been set up, if that's alright with you all. Lauren cracked two ribs and broke her right leg. She's doing alright." Dr. Grande continued.

"Danielle, She broke her right arm, her left leg, one ribs, and a toe." The other doctor said. I can't help but stifle a laugh. Katherine turned to me with a serious expression. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just that, it would be Dani to break her toe."

"Yeah..." Katherine managed a smile and we turned back to the doctors.

"Would three to you like to see them now?" They asked. We all nodded quietly, but no one moved.

Then I asked in my politest voice, "May I see them?"

"Of course, I'm sure Mr. And Mrs. Cimorelli would like to see them as well." He gestured to my parents.

They nodded eagerly and they led us to three elevators.

"We will all split into these three elevators and meet each other in room 245 in level 2. Ok?" The doctors asked and all of us nodded.

---elevator music---

The elevator doors finally dinged and opened. I resist the urge to run out of the elevators and run to my two baby sisters.

We all quietly walked to the room. My siblings have never been so quiet in our whole lives. Not even in funerals. We still see the bright side of everything, but now that spirit seemed to have disappear.

"Lauren? Dani?" My voice quiet and small. They had emotionless faces and absolutely no movements. Replicating a dead person.

"They'll wake up soon, don't worry." The nurse that appeared out of nowhere.

---white hospital walls---

"Doctor?! Nurse? They're awake! Lauren and Dani are awake!" I shout. Doctors and Nurses file into the room and my eyes are filled with excitement.

"Lauren, how do you feel?" Dr. Grande asked.

"Tired." He jotted that down on to a notebook and proceeded to ask Dani the same thing, the answer was the same.

So talking was off the list. Now to the walking.

"Lauren? Dani? Don't ever scar-" Mom reprimanded but was cut off short.

"Who are you?" Dani asked with her eyebrows scrunched together.

"Yeah, do we now you?" Lauren asked too. She looked at Dani and Dani looked at her. They seem to remember each other. That's good I guess.

My eyes probably popped out of their sockets. And Amy was on her way to fainting.

We have a case of Amnesia.

Written by: both @girlzgeneration9 and @hippiesxdance

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