[16] C H R I S T I N A

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I was sitting in my room when all of a sudden my phone rang, not paying attention to the caller ID I picked it up.

"Chrissy?" I could tell it was Dani, but what I didn't know was why she was whispering.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Help." Dani said

"Why are you whispering?" I asked her. She ignored the question.

"Angela. She's trying to- can't explain now. Help. Her hous-"

She was cut off by someone snatching the phone away and I heard the phone drop to the ground in a thunk and the disconnected ring.

"Hello? Dani?" I said into the phone. By this point I was a mile passed being worried, now i was scared, nervous, and of course worried.

I decided to go downstairs to tell somebody and i knew just the place to go.

I walked inside the kitchen to find Lisa, apparently making vines. I went over to her and got her attention.

"Hey Lise?" I said

"What's up Chrissy?" She asked

I tell her everything that happened during the phone call, when I finished she looked completely scared, shocked, and worried.

We talked about what happened during the phone call and Lisa said "Maybe we should just go to Angie's house."

"Good idea." I replied

I grab my car keys and we go, but of course we told our parents where we were going before we left.

--skip car ride--

Finally after what felt like forever we reached Angie's house and Lisa knocked on the door. Angie answered and said "Oh hey Lisa and Christina" She said Lise's name perfectly normal then why did she sound like she wanted to kill me when she said my name, weird.

"Hey Angela." We both replied at the same time

"So um what's up?" She asked

"Oh umm... we're here to pick up Lauren and Dani cause the whole family is going out to lunch" Lisa lied.

"Um I'll go get them." She said

She went in and we heard loud noises and then only Lauren came out.

"Hey Laur, where's Dan?" Lise asked

"Oh Dani umm she said she was just gonna stay here for like a week but she was gonna borrow some of Angie's clothes." She said hesitantly. We instantly knew she was lying but went along with it any way

"Oh ok did she tell mom?" I said.

"Um yeah I called her an hour ago" She said, she was telling the truth

"Oh ok then let's go!" Lisa said

--skip car ride back home--

We finally make it home and Lauren just goes straight to the couch and Lisa drags me upstairs to ger room to talk.

"Chrissy did you notice how weird Angie and Laur were when we came by?" She asked

"Yeah first Angela sounds like she wants to kill me and then Lauren lies and says that Dani was staying over for a week. I mean we all know that Dani isn't a big fan of Angela right now so why would she stay there?" I replied

"I know right. Does Lauren even know that Dani called you?" She asked

"No I don't think so" I replied

"Oh" She said

"Well I think right now we just need to get our minds off this and go to the mall." I suggested

"Yeah that's a good idea" She replied

We left the house, but little did we know Lauren was listening to our conversation.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter I worked almost all day on this but I finally finished so I hope you guys like this. Also 2 updates in one day!!

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