[4] C H R I S T I N A

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Christina's POV

We were all pulling an all nighter for Lauren and Dani. The doctors were still doing some minor tests on them and we were all waiting outside the room, waiting for our turn to visit them. I was anxious. So anxious after hearing what Mom, Dad, and Lisa had to say about them. I wasn't relieved. But even more scared than every before. I ddin't want my baby sisters forgetting all the hard work we have done over the past years just because of some stupid drunk driver. I mean who gets drunk in the middle of daylight?!

I pulled out my phone and went a little bit away from my family. One a few steps away. I went and called Nick to give him the news that I stressing over from. I needed some reassurance and Nick was the one that can really calm me down. Even if he's miles away. He can still somehow sooth me down with his soft voice. The voice that should get me going during this situation.

I dialed him number quickly and put the phone to my ear.

It rang several times until I hung up. Was he busy? In the bathroom? Did his phone die? I mean he rarely ever not answer my phone. And those times he repeatively said sorry after that. This was one of the most important era of my life and he knows he has to be there for me, the same reason I'm there for him. Because we both need each other. But why wasn't he picking up his phone? It wasn't anytime special. He has the day off today and I was going to call him later anyways to see if we wanted to skype each other, but I guess those plans are off today.

I groan in frustration as I begin to dial his phone number for like the 100th time. Still no reply. I felt the urge to through my phone across the hall, but with Lauren and Dani's hospital bills, I don't think we should be wasting money for unessesary wants. I begin dialing his number once again and this time was the lucky one. He picked up.

"HEYYYYY!" He basically screams into the phone. Behind his voice I could hear the pounding of the music and many voices that made my phone tremble from the intense beats coming through the phone. I pulled the phone away not wanting to damage my ear drums any further.


"HEY CHRISTINA!" He yelled once again.

"Nick, where are you?" Even though I was sure where he was.

"AT THE BAR WHOOO!" He shouted, "I'M AT NORCAL IF YOU'RE WONDERING. COME JOIN ME!" He's here? But why is he drunk. For as long as I knew him, he never liked alcohol. He then quickly hung up on me. I was speechless. He could be here with me, calming me down. Telling me that everything will be alright. But he wasn't here. He's somewhere in North California, probably being touched by others. I grimaced. I lost all hope in humanity.

I walked back to my family and they all looked at me with a concerned look. Mom was the first to speak up, "Did you call Nick yet? I know he cares a lot about Lauren and Dani." I nodded and took a seat next to Amy.

"Um, he said he wishes us the best and hopes Lauren and Dani gets better soon. But he said he couldn't come because...he's working overtime. Yeah he wanted the extra money to spend time with me. He says he's sorry." I said rather uncomfortably. Mom and Dad nodded briefly before saying, "Tell him it's OK. We hope to see him soon." They tried smiling, but terribly failed at it. I could barely manage myself.

I nodded and went to the girls' restroom in the building. I looked at myself. "What happened?" I said out loud. The reflection in the mirror was me.  It was me with baggy eyes and sagging shoulders. There has to be a reason why he's drunk. Was it something I have done? Do I not give him enough attention? I was confused.

My phone dinged and I looked down and saw it was a twitter feed.

@cimmyfan284: @Cimorelli, When's the next cover? Chandelier by Sia? Because that would be totally awesome! #cimorellicovers

I sighed, it's not like I actually have anything planned, nothing even more with Lauren and Dani basically loosing all memory of us. What are we going to tell the fans? We've worked so hard and our fans are everything to us.They make our dreams come true every single day. And no matter how thank you's we say, they're never going to be enough.

I sighed once more and exited the bathroom, I needed to come up with a solution quick and it needed to work.

[After long hours of waiting for a plan to spring up]

I came up with an idea with Katherine and Lisa that we would make a lyrics preview sort of thing with our new song. Lisa was working on all the editing because she's basically the computer whiz of the family. I bet she vamps at 5:00 in the morning on Tumblr. I really think she does.

Amy was catching up on her studies with mom and of course our little brothers (Including Alex). Mike had flew from where he was residing to visit us and see Lauren and Dani. He was staying on the couch in our glam basement.

"DONE!" Lisa exclaimed as she finalized the project. Katherine and I jumped in excitement. Atleast the fans had something to listen to. I mean it's better than nothing.

"Upload it!" Katherine rushed.

"OK!" We logged into our YouTube and quickly uploaded it, but it always takes a long time upload, even if it's just a tiny video, but we're not in a rush. It's just going to take some time.

While we were trying to pass some time, we just jammed out to some Katy Perry lyrics, dancing terribly, and also singing in wrong tones and pitches. It's sisterly bonding. I mean Lauren and Dani are fine, we just need sometime to get their memories back. It just takes time and patience. We don't mind, in the end everything will be okay.

When Katy Perry's The One That Got Away was playing on the radio. I couldn't help but start dropping a few tears. Katherine and Lisa finally notice my sudden change of mood.

A/N: SOOOOO SORRY! I've been slacking on updates lately. Hopefully this makes up for it. I've just been taking things easy. I mean it's almost school time and I just want to adjust a bit before I got back to really uploading at my normal speed ya know? Cause my sleeping schedule got to messed up. Haha. I also listened to Katy Perry songs while writing this chapter cause like why not? OH! And I'm so bummed that Summer with Cimorelli ended. I want summer to last forever! Don't we all? Please vote, comment, and take things easy. :D

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