[11] A M Y

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You look so perfect standing there
In my American apparel underwear
And I know now that I'm so down
Your lip stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart

I sang quietly while I scrolled through Twitter and Instagram.

@LaurenCimorelli: hangin out with ma bud xD #laurandangie #reunited

I gummed with anger, the picture attached to the tweet was them in the gate we found earlier, the TRESPASSING one. They can't tweet that, they were going to get in trouble, with our fans already on our butts, Lauren just , made it worse.

I huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf, but couldn't help it but be mad at mom and dad. Lauren is their daughter! Why aren't they taking notice. We're just her sisters, we're not much older.

After a long dilemma in my brain, I decided I would stop helping Lauren, the rest can take care of it, I'm sick of picking up on everyone's butt, if mom and dad don't care then why should I?


"Amy, stop being the Internet and socialize." Katherine said as she came in earlier telling me that dinner is almost ready.

"I know, but I'm talking to a fan right now." I said as I typed endlessly on my laptop.

"Amy." Christina came in and said in a threatening tone.

I sighed, typed a bye to the fan shut the laptop down. "Happy?"

"Very." Christina answered. "Dinner now."

I sighed heavily and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face, I haven't moved from my bed since 3:00, it was now 7:00. That's a good four hours.

I walked aimlessly down the stairs and went into the dining area to see what were having today. Chicken with peas and corn, and some sort of soup.

Sitting down at my regular seat, I saw my siblings scatter around me putting dishes, napkins, forks, everything on the table.

My head starting getting dizzy as I put my hand to my head, I don't have a fever, but a splitting headache is exploding in my head. My stomach was no longer hungry for food, but full, resisting the urge to throw up.

"Mom, I don't feel good." I said as she sat down.

"Oh, Amy. What's wrong?"

"I have a headache." I said grimacing as my brothers and sisters see, to scurry even faster around.

"Go upstairs, sleep. I'll save something for you." Mom said as she felt my forever for a fever.

"Okay." I got up and ran up to my room furiously. I jumped on my bed and went on my phone.

@weirdogurl2438: ur nothing

A/N: sorry had like a billion tests this week! Cause it's the last week of the quarter. Soz.

But know I have spring break! Yeah! So maybe I'll write more. Maybe. Don't count on it.

K. Baiiiiii. -me

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