continuation to "airport phone call"

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“Shen Yue, my buddy, i’ve loved you since the moment i first saw you laugh. the thought of not seeing you for the whole day tomorrow already made me go a little crazy. if i can’t even go a day without seeing you, i figure i should make sure that day never happens. will you take pity on me and be my lifelong buddy?”

“what is happening? what are you saying? what lifelong buddy? please get up.”

“Shen Yue, will you marry me baby? please? do me the honour?”

“Dylan, please get up. please. people are staring.”

“let them stare. i dont give a damn. all i care about is you. are you gonna answer me?”

“please get up first. please. im begging you. “

“Yueyue, baby. why ... ohmygod are you having a panic attack? okay okay. come here, baby. just breathe. inhale exhale. yes just like that. oh babe, please dont cry. why are you crying? did i shock you? i’m sorry. i just .... i thought .... ugh i dont know what i was thinking ... i’m so sorry, baby. forget i asked. let’s just get on the plane and go home. it’s been a long week for both of us.”

“no, Dylan. how could we just forget it. this is a big deal. and i’m happy you asked. i don't know why i cried. of course i’ll marry you. ”

“Yue, look at me. you don't have to answer right now. you dont have to answer ever. i’m fine with what we have. we can stay like this forever. as long as you dont leave me, i’ll take you however i can get you. buddies dont break up with each other, right?”

“no, Dylan. i mean it. i will marry you --”

“but? come on, yueyue. i know there’s a 'but' in there. you never were a good liar. that panic just now? thats not nothing, baby. even now, i can still see it in your eyes. youre afraid. of what? of me? please, just be honest. it’s me. your buddy.”

“Wang Hedi, i love you so much. and i would be honoured to be your lifelong buddy. but i’m scared. i’m terrified that i’m not good enough for you.”

“what the fa... where is this coming from? I’M not good enough for you. I dont deserve you, yue baby. i never have. but if you give me a chance. i will spend every day of my life trying to be a man who is worthy of you. please stop with this nonsense already.”

“you can have any girl you want --”

“you also can have any guy you want --”

“-- why did you pick me?”

“i HAVE the girl i want. she’s YOU. i love you and i want you and i have you. and i want to keep it that way forever. i’d like to think that’s obvious what with my whole asking you to marry me tonight. “

“but they say --”

“who's they? the netizens? why do you let them get to you?”

“but they’re your fans, Di”

“NO. let me just get one thing clear, babe. anyone who makes the person i cherish the most in this world feel like she’s not good enough, is NOT a fan of mine. my fans want me to be happy and i’m happiest when i’m with you. so no, yueyue. they’re not my fans. don’t insult my fans like that.”

“ ... i’m sorry. you’re right. you are absolutely right. our fans would want us to be happy. and you make me happy too, Dylan. more than you know. more than i could ever show you.”

“marry me, Yue. and you’ll make me the happiest man alive. i promise i will do my best to make you the happiest woman every day for the rest of your life. you are enough for me. no, you are more than enough. Yue baby, you are perfect for me. and i will remind you every day”

“Dylan ... i ...”

“ladies and gentleman, this is the boarding announcement for flight KE 859 to Beijing. we would now like to invite our passengers --”

“that’s us. come on, Yue. say yes and let’s go home.”

“yes. yes yes yes yes YES.”


author's note:

this is the original (longer) ending to "airport phone call" (can be found i wrote it because i had another fic i really wanted to write but eventually never did. ( i have posted what little i have written for that fic in the next chapter).

i will not go into why i decided to cut this ending out when i posted "airport phone call" on wattpad. but if you want to know, i will let u know via dm. just hmu!

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