what "where's the fun in that" started out as

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"so you're leaving tomorrow morning instead of tomorrow night?"

"yes. i'm so sorry, baby. they said they have a last minute wardrobe adjustments they need to do before the show."

"so our date for tomorrow is canceled?"

"ugh. i am SO SORRY baby. i promise i will make it up to you."


"oh come on, shen yue. don't give me that. i'm really really sorry. there was nothing i could do!"

"i know. it's all right. i'm used to it."

"hey. that's not fair."

"this is like -- what -- the 5th time we had to postpone your birthday celebration date because of your work. i dont think it's unfair to say that i'm used to it. because i am. it's just the way it is."


"it's all right. i get it. work is important. birthday celebrations can wait."

"hey. come here. look at me. you know i was really looking forward to our date too right?"

"i know. i guess i'll get going then. you have a lot of things to sort out. start packing. i will see myself out."

"what? hey! no. stay. help me pack. we'll have a date night in tonight, yeah?"

"i'm not in the mood tonight. it's okay, di. i understand. not your fault. im not upset."

"yuebaby, come on. don't be like this. i want to spend tonight with you. and i know youre upset."

"no i'm not. im fine. really. go pack. it's getting late."

"why do you alway do this?"

"do what?"

"you retreat and walk away and refuse to talk to me."

"there's nothing to talk about."

"i'd really rather you just yell at me or throw a tantrum. show me what youre feeling instead of keeping it to yourself all the time."

"i dont do that. i show you how i feel all the time."

"yes. the good feelings. you're amazing at sharing your success and happiness. but you never let me in on the bad stuff. i wanna see the bad stuff too."

"why would you wanna see the bad stuff? anyway, i dont have bad stuff. it's all good."

"everyone has the bad stuff, yue."

"yeah well, maybe i like dealing with my bad stuff alone. dont worry about me."

"are you being serious right now? you're my girlfriend. how am i supposed to not worry about you?!"

"can we stop talking about me. you have to pack."

"you are killing me, yueyue. this is exactly what i mean. you never want to talk about anything serious!"

"if it bothers you so much maybe you shouldn't be dating me."


"don't worry. i wont use it against you."

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"i was fine before you came along. i will be fine after you too."

/raises eyebrows "..."


"not sure how i feel about you labeling me as something that will pass."

"why! it's the truth."

"no, it's not."

"yes, it is. you will leave. they all did."


author's note:

the last few sentences of this fic should be familiar. they are the beginning of "where's the fun in that" (can be found https://t.co/9jbPXWjnZ1). i wrote in the author's note for that fic how it was gonna be a different fic with diyue having a fight over something serious ... well this is that fight.

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