baking disaster (3rd abandoned fic)

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"it's crap

"well ... "

"it is, right?"

"hmmm ... "

"wang hedi!"

"okay. yeah it looks like crap."

"oh wow. please, dont hold back."

"you, yourself, said it's crap!" "

"i know. but still how could you just agree with me ...."

"you know i dont say the things you wanna hear. i tell u what you need to hear. the truth. always. that's why you love me."

"youre right. thank you. so, in conclusion i suck."

"now, thats not true. it does look crappy but who knows it may taste okay."

"idk, Di. it doesnt look like it will taste good."

"did you follow the recipe? "

"to the T!"

"well then, it cant be that bad. cut me a piece."

"are u sure? okay. here you go."

"yeah okay. it tastes .... kinda weird. are you sure you got all the ingredients right?"

"i'm sure! oh, except i didn't have enough sugar so i had to mix in some honey and artificial sweetener."

"huh? that doesnt sound right ..."

"ugh i know i know.... so what are we gonna do?"

"nothing. we'll just show up to the party empty-handed."

"we cant do that!"

"watch me."



author's note:

this was written a long time ago, maybe back in october? it got abandoned because well ... i didn't know where it was going and it just seemed there was no point to the whole conversation. but someone said it was cute and that i should keep let more people read it. so here it is.

i apologize for the lack of apostrophes and other weird typos or grammatical errors. i didnt bother editing or proofreading it because if i do that for every thing i want to post in this book, i'd be doing that forever and not writing actual fics to post on whirlwind.

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