"Hm I see. whats your mother's name and what about yourself?" Lady's eyes narrowed and few creases appeared on her forehead that developed on her forehead indicating the years of her life that she had spent all her life.

"My name is skye-skye pearl. Im lady Joanna's maid. She is the princess of Hermione state." She paused to let the words soak in lady's head.

"So let me guess, my dear," a beam of light erupted in lady's eyes by the description that Skye just gave her," you are the daughter of Olivia pearl?"

Skye gasped in surprise," oh good Lord!"she exclaimed while placing her hand on her soft beating heart," how come you know ma's name?" She couldn't believe that lady actually guessed her ma's name.

Her reaction made the lady smile proudly,"just so to let you know, we've been friends and passed some good time together." Lady confessed and it finally made sense.

Of course her ma spent her life as Queen's personal maid and then she was assigned the responsibility of taking caring of princess afterwards. She must have been visiting along princess everywhere in other states and castles.

Lady informed her that her ma used to come and stay in the castle while queen would have her weekly or monthly stay. They both became in good terms and that was how she knew her ma.

When she exclaimed that ma was not so good these days, lady felt quite sad to hear about that patting Skye's shoulder not to take it too heavily to heart and assuring her that everything was gonna be alright.

Lady I formed her that breakfast was being prepared and she was in charge of the breakfast this morning to which Skye concluded that lady had a high place in kitchen's work hold and all the management.

Of course she had been working all her life and she must have acquired this stage by her experience in the castle.

While lady was making her way to the hut to get the milk, outside the main  castle building, she asked Skye to come along to which Skye happily obliged.

Once they reached outside the hut, Skye noticed that there were many cows and buffalos inside the hut, grazing on the grass that was placed in big buckets in front of them and goats running around here and there.

There were men inside the hut, putting grass in the buckets in front of cows and Buffalos while couple of men were sitting in the corner measuring milk in big bowls.

Lady made her way inside the hut and Skye waited outside taking in her surrounding until lady returned back.

On the left she saw a place damped with bushes and big tree leaves covering the place that looked like meadow in which horses were lined up eating and churning there food while men patting their backs with care.

A throat clearing voice from the right where she came from, erupted her thoughts making her turn back to be met with the person she never thought would see anytime soon.

Commander Leon was standing in all his glory with a big black horse on his side while his one arm was on horse's back.

He was clad in crease less uniform and dark hair combed back neatly in place and his straight nose emphasizing his prominent jawbones that were holding his smirk on one side.

Skye took step back in surprise and his smirk grew bigger. He clearly knew that Skye was not expecting her there at all which somehow made him feel amused.

"Well well well, who do we have here today, you may ask?"he asked his horse and Skye held back a snort encountering his stupid behavior once again as if it was not enough for a night that he had to appear here to make her blood boil at the memory of him accusing her of one of a lady she never in million years thought to be one of.

"Is it a tradition to talk to your horses around here?" A mocking tone in her voice really did work because his smirk instantly fell and his gaze once again fixed on her.

"Or should I think that no sensible person here wants to talk to you so you keep it low while staying in touch with your pets." She couldn't hold it all back but surprised at the same time that where the hell did she get all this courage from. She was not the type of lady to be taunting other people but something about this man made her do it all.

"I would suggest you mind your language young lady, won't want to see you behind the bars, now would we?" The taunting edge in his voice was similar to hers but the intensity of his eyes weighed heavy on her shoulders and once again she was reminded of his gaze last night and her eyes lowered to the ground suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"So why am I not seeing your boy huh? Got enough last night already?" The sharp edge to his tone was anything but non serious.

What was his problem? Skye was unable to interpret.

"He is not my boy, you understand?," She took a step ahead in rage holding a finger out towards him," and what is it to you even if he is?" She asked annoyed to the core.

" Why don't you just accept that he is your boy, I won't tell anybody here." He said with smirk still intact but his eyes were telling some other story.

She didn't know that why in the first place she decided to come outside and now she had to face this rude egoistic jerk once again.


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