Ink and Fresh x Fake Happy Reader

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Your pov

Ello I'm..(y/n)! And I live a 'good life'
Flash back: *people dying running for my life bad monster destroying everything*
"mom! Brother!" *gasp i see them dead and run not look around this battle ground i run into something making me fall down i look to see its a monster i try to run but only to be pulled close to the monster*
???: shhh
*people ran past us only to be killed by black tentacles*
*the most pulls out a walky-talky[?]*
???: dream, blue we can't when this we have to leave, over
??: Rodger that
*i don't think he/she remembers that im in there arms because it went black am i dead?* 

*Then there was color and light*
Present time:
i was being carried like a stuff animal  by the monster i don't even think he/she knows im still here

??: ink! Whats our next plan?!

Ink: uh i don't yet..

????: whos that

Ink: whos whos?

????: ink the girl in your arms

Ink: dream what are you-
*he looks down*

"hi?" *i say in a 'happy' tone*

Ink: oh hello...Oh yeah i saved her from being killed by nightmare

Dream:.. Ink how could you forget something like that

??: yeah ink even i wouldn't forget something like that

Dream: anyway we need a plan.....Ink put her down

Ink:...Oh yeah right
*he puts me down i stay there cuz i don't know where i am*

Ink: for now we should rest up

??: but where will the human go?

*he looks at me*

Ink: Ah i know she can stay with fresh I'm sure he wouldn't mind a new friend to be by.....

To be continue.....

Let me know if you would like part two comments  Yes if ya would and no if not good luck and have a good day/night!

312 work count

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