Chapter twenty-one

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"ا نتهى ا لما ضي، فلا تعش فيه".                                                                                                                                                         "The past is gone,don't live with it"

Neenah's POV

Life is like a rock, when you get a hold of it out of many other rocks, then, don't let it go. But, once it's gone, don't expect it to come back because out of many identical rocks, you might probably get confuse and choose the wrong rock. Life is like a rock in a metaphorical kind of way.
In this life, there are two things involve, it's either you're from the affluent filthy rich or from the downcast end of poverty. The middle class is just an escalation of poverty. There's nothing like close to rich or middle class. It's either you're rich or poor. That is how the system works in this universe.  So back to the first point, the rich and the poor. The filthy rich are like diamonds, rare pearls or gold. They are treated with respect, honor, love...they rule the world, and leave no place for the poor. While the poor are like trash bin, the rich use them to hold on their trash like slaves. The trash bin is used to hold the dirty and tidy the environment. They only use of a trash bin is to store the dirt. But to look at it from the other side. The trash bin is quite important because it covers all the dirty and keeps the environment clean. It's an irony of life. How the dustbin is quiet important metaphorically.


"But mama...I'm tired of this life, this poverty is going to kill me." Meenah whined

"I can't take it anymore, I can't live like this, I can't smile when deep down I'm breaking, I can't live a life of lie...mama, We can't pretend to be rich when we are not!" She said again.

Mama looked at her warily, carefully choosing her words internally. We are standing at the kitchen counter, preparing food for five guests. Mama is cutting veggies, I'm removing some sand and stones from the local rice we brought at the market and meenah is fuming and doing nothing.

Mama inhale and exhale carefully and said, "No one else can possibly know what kinda life you've got inside you. What kinda potential, life force, and ability you contain. Only you know the beginning and the end of that. Only you have the right to show them what they want to see. And only you have the potential to protect your life story from several whispers and gossips. And even if you tell them about your life, and they nod their heads or show pitty, yes, yes, maybe that's meant to be, they would never be able to help you. The only thing the could help you with is stealing your dignity." Mama took a deep breath. She has stopped cutting the veggies already. She's deep in thoughts. Like, she's trying to convince herself not us.

She continued again, this time with hope in her eyes. "Let go of their opinion. Let go of their judgement. Let go of their support, even if it is coming from the most loving place. Let it go. Because it's not meant for them to know, this thing that you are so fed up with is a test from Allah for us to pass. You don't need people's gossips and whispers to pass this test. You need you. Only you can help yourself. You know what you are capable of. There is no need to prove this or explain this or articulate this to anyone else. it is entirely up to you. And you need all the space within you to be free for all the new realities and storms coming up your way. Make sure you've cleared that space. Make sure nothing else is influencing that space. Make sure that this life is all and only you." She said with an exasperated breath.

She turned her back to the counter and continued her cooking as if she hasn't just spoken mountains of words to us.

I felt light hearted with her words. A little bit light of hope has started developing inside of me. Meenah had a small smile on her face also but she immediately changed it to a scowl.

We'r expecting some guest coming for who knows what and that's the main reason we've been in kitchen since morning. And that's why Meenah and I have been in a pretty bad mood since when mama mentioned her guests are coming.

Somethings are always best closed, sometimes miseries are best untold, and some difficulties are always best covered. Life would be difficult if you tell or open your life secrets to outsiders. Gossips would be too much as people always look for opportunity to talk. And depression will follow if people always talk about your life secrets. I honestly agree with mama.
She told us to behave normal with the guest as they don't have an idea of our current financial situation and it's better left out like that. That makes sense as to why she's going out of her way to cook delicious dishes for them.

I really hope this is the best solution...

As Salam.

Dear readers,

I would use this medium to address my current situation of not updating frequently. I have been pretty busy with school,schooool, school, test, exams, life,etc... I know that is a very big excuse on my part but the main reason I don't update frequently is "writers block" I honestly don't know how to get rid of this writers block. As you can see this chapter is not the best I've written, but writers block Issa bitch.😩 please if anyone has a solution for it please dm me. Thank you.
Please endeavor to like and share even though this is not the best of chapters.

Yours khamee

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