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I decide to send this too because it has been along time since I last publish a new chapter so this is like an apology to you.
Well actually I do have dozens of reasons of why I haven't been updating anything these past months, but non will be understandable so to cut all the explanations I will apologize and promise that I will be publishing once a week.

I haven't formally introduce myself to you yet well that I know too and I will soon. Because knowing me is like a different story. Please recommend this story to others I would really appreciate that.

Chapter 9 is down there you just need to scroll and you will find it.

Oh! And there is this star you guys don't seem to see it, it's at the left on end of every page you read, well actually that is a life saving star. You see when you just tap it, it saves a life so be a good person and save lives! ;)

Have fun!

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