#3-the second meeting

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Hi! Sorry for the delay guys i don't want to tire you lets keep on having fun.

After two weeks of bearing all the questioning and answered as Mr Alaric told me to I get to the class well.
In a class everyone seems to know me and kind of liking me. Everyone says hi as I pass them. Asking me if I wanted help or something. It felt weird and I haven't being used on it. But I bear with it...
After another two weeks,it was lunch time as everyone was going either cafeteria or going to the park with their lunch boxes or going outside the collage. I went to a park with my friends. Munis brought food for all of us. Munis joined our group since the incident. As we were finishing our lunch we heard a roar of cheering we didn't know what was going on then Alisha went to take a look. She came back excited and told us it was Mr Ric. I got excited too but couldn't show it because my friends would find it weird because of him I went through a lot. Munis jumped up and went to look him. I took my phone and looked. He was there. A lot of his pictures were already sent in the chatroom. I missed him very much that was the only thing I had in mind by then. I finished my food that was tasteless after heard of the news. I told my friends that I was going to the library. They thought I felt down they all stopped eating and told me that they will go with me. They had no idea. I tried to go alone but they won me over. On our way to the library I was looking everywhere for him. I missed him. Then there he was with a bunch of ladies around her. I felt angry why he was laughing with them instead of me. We were passing him when he turned and looked our way. We were few steps far from him. He looked less than a second and looked away. I wished he could see me. We passed through and I remembered that I didn't have anything to do in library. As I was thinking what I was going to do then someone tapped my shoulder. I looked back it was Mr. Ric. I was happy to explode but then I looked back and saw the faces laughed at me then. I wish I could do something to remove those words from my head and their mouth forever.
"Hi" hi?
"Morning Mr. Alaric"
"Morning" and he left.
What? You are just leaving? What the hell?

Dean pulled me on his side to keep on going. I hesitated he looked at me and managed to smile. I got a chance to change ways. I was going to hostel. When they asked me where I was going I told them not to follow me. I looked back and they didn't follow I was glad.

I went to the class first without knowing where I was going. I entered the class and no one was there. I breathed heavenly and when I was going out Mr. Alaric came in and locked the door.
"Hi?" I started

"Sorry I didn't want people to feel it weird"

"It's more weird the way you acted"

"Sorry. OK?" Looking down at me. I turned to look away but he came too. Tears were filled in my eyes but couldn't show them. I was happy to see him alive and healthy in front of me. I looked at his face for a long he smiled in disbelieve and back a little. I smiled back and followed him.

"Can you use words?" Walking backward" am afraid you are going to kiss me"

"Can't I do that?"

"You can but not in a classroom. As long as I am your teacher I can't let this happen. It doesn't look good"

"Why? It's a perfect place for a teacher and a student to kiss"

"We teachers we kind of worshipping the class that's why. And as for a student you should do it too" still moving backward.

"Doing what?"

"Respect and worship THE CLASS" rolling his eyes around the class. And he was in front of the wall. "I can't go back when you come near me again"


"Don't come near I won't be able to avoid it"

"It huh! Ok." I went near him again.

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