The bump

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It's my first story guys so please consider that. I am... going to get strength from you guys please help me.

It's my second year on my degree. I am 22 years old and I never had fun in my life. My life is always boring. All I did in my life was nothing. I didn't have great dreams like other friends of mine. All I wanted was living. Happily? Yeah right I also need that.
I use to live the life I want in my dreams. Especially romance. I use to create my own story in dreams and I'd diaries. I have my diaries full on a half of the year filling my dreams. Writing my own unfinished dreams and non of them has ever come true.
Living on my parents plans that's only am good at.
The only thing I did to myself was dreaming only that. Didn't have a permanent friend, on all levels I studied I got new friends. From nursery school that I heard from my parents. Primary to now. I had friends and thank God in that, I don't usually get a best friend but I make everyone my friend. I never get abandoned or favoured I am always on the middle on everything. And I am middle....

For two years now since I got in university I have being busy. Not studying but not doing other things too. I like wasting time on doing nothing. I like watching series that brings my dream life awaken and new. I always dream of outside my real life. And I knew it was crazy and pointless but still I did it. The only thing that I like and others do too is money. I like money. Maybe its because its the source of getting what I truly need in my heart.

Being busy watching non stop series made me unknown in university. I have popular friends but I take their unpopular part. I liked living like that since it fits me very well.

And this one day changed my life since then. It was one night when I bump to HIM. I was coming form ATM machine taking my all money from it. On my way back hostel came a thief. He pulled my bag that had my all money in it. I became crazy for a moment. I run after him and pulled the bag. It was push and pulling play actually until someone came. He came and helped me that is what I thought. But when he came there he pushed me away. We fell to the ground and the thief left. I hit my back very hard but didn't know for a moment. I didn't hit my head fortunately and didn't think why. I pushed the man and start running to the thief who wasn't insight. I was very angry tears wanted to drop but I managed them. And they remained in my eyes. My glasses were broken. But I didn't remove my glasses. I followed the man he was helping himself to stand I followed him and kicked him back down. I didn't play judo but kind of knowing it's moves a little. I pulled his hand backward when I saw blood on his back. I forgot all came for once and the tears now dropped. He looked at me with an amusing face. He was bleeding hard I looked at it and there was a knife. I was really shocked. I didn't know what to do he looked at me and told me it was alright. I looked at him with an angry face that didn't know what to do to him. When I wanted to call for a help he stopped me and said he could handle it. I didn't know what made me believe him but I helped him to the car he pointed it was his. We entered the car and helped him pull off his shirt. And when he wanted to remove the singlet I looked away. I wanted to go out when I felt a cold hand on mine. I was shocked and look back at him.
"What?" I asked him.
"You need to be in here!" He said with a little dense voice that made me want to obey but my personality didn't agree on that.
"You said you_ you can handle it yourself" pointing his injury.
" If it wasn't on my back"
I sat back to help him.
"But I don't know how to do this"
"I'll teach you"
I tear the singlet and removed the knife. It was deep. My hands were shaking on that. I really didn't like blood because I have bad cramps on my period. And that day I am touching plenty of blood Gosh.
He covered the wound with his shirt himself. Then he told me that he was giving me a chance to pay for that. Then I came to knew it was the thief that stabbed him with the knife. Suddenly I felt responsive that brought strength on me and helped him. He didn't even groan when dressing the wound. My hands were shaking but I helped myself to clear a mess. He had everything in his first aid kit. Everything for a quick medics. After finish and covered it well I felt like dying. I was thankful to him when he said thank you after a long silence. And I told him I was thank too.
His singlet was covered with blood and I just teared it. I remembered I had bought a shirt and a singlet this afternoon. I opened my back pack that I was left with and gave them to him. He looked at me for a while and I understood the eye question.
"I like wearing men t shirts. And the singlet was for my dad but thanks for saving my life"
He took them
"A life with T-shirt and singlet?"
" My dad's gift to give it to someone else means a lot."
"So what do you want me to do then?"
"I hate connections,so consider this" giving me money "as clearing our meeting."
Yeah money! I forgot that I just lost my all money.
"I too hate connections so take those clothes as clearing for our meeting"
"You are rude"
"And so are you" I opened the envelope and it was a lot of money I knew right away that it was much more than what I lost but I took them outside.
And immediately as I closed the door the car went off. He drove very fast on a minute he was out of my sight.
I became silent even in my thoughts. I didn't know even what to think. I was very thankful of him but he was rude. Very rude I didn't like him at all. I felt this aura on him. The gangster like aura. The way he wore, talking and the scars I saw on his back. When he left I was thankful on that. Really thank full. I left and went direct to hostel I wanted to take myself out that day after the fluently tests that finished that evening but there wasn't a chance again. I am not talkative but others could tell that I was so quiet that day and so did my friend Munis. She brought me to my sense when she called my name. She doubted when I told her that everything was okay but I didn't care.
I went to my room and locked the room. I took my diary out and started thinking. Everything that happened earlier. Then I came to a part how much I got from him and started to count the money. It was three time of what the thief took it was a lot if money that I have never dream to have it all in my hands. I wrote it down.
I was angry that lasted after a week. My heart didn't give me a chance to laugh in peace but brought a dense on itself.
It was the beginning of the semester and everything was just perfect. I didn't like the way a semester started with tests and a thief,an armed thief and the Jerk. Next week we were going to start our semester. For the whole week I tried to calm myself down to start a fresh I even get myself a dinner out for two days and I succeed on that. I didn't hold on things much and that's why my friends call me Disminder. It was Saturday I went to my friend Munis she wasn't living in hostels but her own house instead. We had our ladies out night and a little party to welcome the new semester of the second year.
Sunday I just remained hostel talking to my parents back home taking their advice. My sisters and my brother. The whole day I stayed idle. The following day I woke up very early I had a class at seven. I went to the class early. Everyone was early that day. But the lecturers were late. Then after a half an hour he came. He came and told us that our teacher had to change and the new teacher was coming to teach us. Everyone was disappointed on that. The teacher was a very good teacher and fair. But when the new teacher entered everyone was dazzled with him well I was dazzled too. He was tall and very handsome. Very....
"Hello" when he said this all ladies in the class buzz. Everyone was admiring him and so did I. I looked at him for a while. That face kind of knowing it but what I first thought is that maybe he looked a like with the actor in movies I was looking.
He started right away to teach us after few minutes of introducing himself he didn't say much. He said we will know him when the time goes. While teaching I wasn't really there I was trying to find out where I saw him. I even google few of some actors that I thought he was the one.
After class a lot of ladies run to her and for me I wanted to take a closer look of him. I followed the group and saw him. I took a closer look of him. WTF It's him. He is that Jerk. I was looking at him then he turned on my way. We were staring each other. The clothes he wore,the way he talks and smiling to the students. If I even tell my diary that was the jerk it will call me crazy.... He was handsome...

I hope you enjoy my story don't forget to vote for me and comments from you will give me strength to keep on posting this. I have it already so I'll wait for your response. Lots of love ^√^.

My Dream.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora