"That's wonderful!" Catherine says, beaming at Kurt.

"We've got some great people in this town, some really selfless people" Tim says with a nod, "So are you two staying for dinner?" he asks.

Lily looks at Kurt expectantly; he had spent time with Jesse the most recently and knew his plan for getting them home.

"I think Jesse's going to spend the night at his parents tonight, if you want I could spend the night at Dylan's?" Kurt says to Lily uncomfortably, not wanting to invite himself to Lily's parents house.

"Nonsense Kurt, you can spend the night here honey" Catherine says warmly, "You can sleep in Lil's room. We're not born again Christians" She adds with a wink and Lily groans as Kurt blushes but laughs.

"Oh my gosh mom—stop!" She whines like a teenager, taking Kurt's hand and leading him upstairs, away from her giggling parents.

Once they get into her room she shuts the door and sits down on her bed. Kurt lingers, looking at the old pottery she'd made in high school and the pictures on the dresser, seeing how different she was back then.

"You look so young here" He says, holding up a photo of her and Kim.

"That was so long ago, I was just starting high school in that picture, probably around the time I had that class with you" She says from the other side of the room, "Its no wonder you didn't notice me"

"You were still pretty cute, I should've noticed you. I could've saved you from the time you spent with that gross guy and you would've saved me from ever dating anyone who wasn't you" He says and she bites her lip.

"I know it sounds cheesy but I'm sort of glad we didn't start dating until last year. I would've loved to have spent like six more years with you but I feel like we both needed to go through the things we went through to become the people we are today, people who fit perfectly together." She says and he goes over to bed and sits next to her.

"I'd take the six years" He replies softly, putting his arm around her shoulder as she leans her head into his chest, "I'll never have enough time with you"

"What do you want to do now?" She asks into his t-shirt, ignoring his last statement purposely.

"I think I want to call my dad" He says nonchalantly and Lily is so surprised she immediately pulls away, giving him a shocked expression.

"Really?" She asks. She knew Kurt hadn't talked to his dad in years, long before she'd even met him in high school. Since he'd moved away from Montesano he'd strictly communicated with him through his grandparents and never discussed him with Lily, save the occasional bitter (but justified) comment about feeling abandoned.

"Yeah I just...I don't know being around family this much, it makes me just want to...I don't even know, tie up loose ends?" He says and Lily nods understandingly.

"I think that's a really good idea Kurt" She says, running her hands through his beautiful blonde hair.

"Do you want me to leave?" She asks as she brings her bedroom phone with stickers all over the receiver to the bed.

"No, its ok" He says, putting his hand on her thigh and beginning to dial the number. They sit on the bed and both listen to the sound of the phone ringing until Kurt's dad answers.

Lily does her best not to listen, instead just rubbing reassuring circles into his back, but she gets the gist. The conversation is obviously awkward, at some points Kurt wishes he'd told Lily he wanted privacy so she didn't have to hear the painfully embarrassing conversation.

They talk about random things to update each other on their lives like Kurt's band and his dad's new job, but no substance seemed to be coming out of their conversation, not that either of them was expecting there to be.

When Kurt hangs up after about half an hour of talking Lily immediately wraps her arms around him.

"How was it?" She asks gently and he shrugs.

"What I expected"

"How do you feel?" She asks.

"Grateful for the family I have and that I don't need to try to force I relationship with him when I have so many better people in my life now" Kurt says frankly and Lily leans in and kisses him and caresses his cheek lovingly.

"You know no matter what my family and I will always be here for you?" She reminds him, "We're soul mates Kurt which means we'll always be here for one another, will always be each others families"

"Thanks Lil, I love being a part of your family. I've never met people like them in Aberdeen before, so open minded and accepting, its refreshing"

"I got lucky" Lily says simply.

Just then Lily's mom calls up the stairs to them, "Lily, Kurt—quit making out and come downstairs its dinner time. Hurry up too we've gotta put some meat on your bones Kurt you're as skinny as a rail"

"I love you" Kurt says as they stand up, "And I love your family."

"We love you too. Especially me" Lily replies with a grin, "Unconditionally"

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