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“Yoonie, you need to drink your bottle.” Seokjin whispers, waking the boy up from his drug caused nap. Once they had finished the new stitches, they heard his belly growl and since smoothies don’t work very well, Seokjin made a bottle of milk with some chocolate weight gain powder. Yoongi’s eyes pop wide open and he frowns, “We’,” He mutters, and Jin looks confused before the boy moves the elders hand to feel the pudgy diaper.

“Oh, I’ll change you then, but I want you to drink this milk while I do, okay?” Seokjin asks and Yoongi nods, taking the bottle and beginning to suckle as Seokjin places his head on his shoulder. “I see Hobi?” Yoongi mumbles, his head drooping in sleepiness, but trying to continue drinking the milk, despite how upset his stomach was starting to get because he wanted to make his mommy happy. “He is actually in his room and I bet he would love to take a nap with you.” Seokjin says until he hears very unhappy gurgles coming from Yoongi’s stomach as the boy gives up on drinking the bottle once it is half empty.

“Does your belly hurt?” Seokjin asks, setting Yoongi on the changing table, sitting up. Yoongi nods as tears come to his eyes and the elder flinches when the boy gags, grabbing the diaper bin just in time to hold it up to Yoongi’s face where the boy pukes up all the milk from not only today, but his first night there. “Feel better?” Seokjin asks when the dry heaving stops. “Hungry.” Yoongi states and Seokjin sighs, “I know, baby, but we are going to have to find a way to get your body to work.”

“How about we give him a block so he doesn’t know he is hungry and an IV with everything he needs for a week or two so he can heal from the surgery? We can try food after that and if it still doesn’t work, we can just give him a tube,” Hoseok suggests from the doorway and Yoongi’s head snaps up. “Wan’ ‘obi!” He mumbles, smacking his gums a few times now that his tiredness and hunger was out of the picture.

“Baby, I have to change your diaper first and then maybe you can go with Hobi if he is okay with it,” Seokjin says and Yoongi frowns while Hoseok moves towards the toothless boy, “I think I would fair well with some Yoongi time,” Hoseok says and Yoongi giggles before whining as Seokjin wipes him, “I know, baby, this rash is pretty bad, but once we give you the nerve block, you shouldn’t feel it.”

“Mommy, I hungry,” Yoongi whines as his stomach grumbles, “I am going to make the hungry go away while you play with Hobi, how does that sound?” Namjoon says, tickling Yoongi’s neck and smiling brightly at the toothless giggles he returns, “Yay, daddy!” Namjoon smiles brightly, showing off his proud posture to the two of his boyfriends that were in the room. He had heard the puking and conversation over the baby monitors and decided to investigate.

“Stop puffing out your chest and go get everything on a tray next to the couch. We’re going to teach Yoonie and Taetae how to play patty cake while Yoonie gets his new medicine,” Namjoon rolls his eyes with a grin, stepping in to give both boys a kiss on the cheek before doing as he was told.

“I fee’ weird,” Yoongi mumbles when Seokjin starts carrying him downstairs. “Can you explain it?” Seokjin asks, hoping it isn’t a bad weird and sighs in relief when the boy shakes his head. “Does it remind you of anything?”

“When woke u’ ‘rom no teef,” Yoongi mutters and Seokjin has to think for a moment before figuring out the common descriptive words people use after anesthesia, “Heavy and fluffy?”

“Ye,” Yoongi mumbles whining when he is set on the couch, “Mama~” He whimpers, making grabby hands for Seokjin who is shocked at the actions. “Sweetheart, I’m going to go help Joonie and Hobi, okay?” The boys eyes instantly fill with tears and wails fill the house, resulting in everyone running to the living room to see Yoongi sobbing into Seokjin's shoulder while pulling at his shirt.

“What happened?” Jimin asks, coming in while carrying a sleepy Taehyung, Jungkook crawling wobbly by him. “I set him down and he wasn’t happy about it,” Seokjin states, rocking the boy as he gets more and more frustrated, pulling at the elders shirt.

“It looks like he is trying to breastfeed,” Hoseok states, jogging in while only wearing shorts with a towel around his shoulders. “First of all, I want to lick your abs, second, how is that going to work? He’ll just puke it up!” Jimin says as Namjoon walks in with raised eyebrows, “Puke what up? Seokjin isn’t lactating-Hoseok, when did you start working out again?” Namjoon cuts off, stalking over to his boyfriend and back hugging him so there is easier access to licking his neck. Hoseok shudders at the sexual act, pulling away with wide eyes, “Are you two ever not horny?” He asks and groans when he feels Jungkook hump his leg.

“I don’t know what is in the air today, but you three need to go to a room get some of all this out,” Hoseok exclaims, grabbing Taehyung and Seokjin’s arm, leading them to the master bedroom. “So, just let him suckle until he falls asleep?” Seokjin asks and Taehyung nods, tucking Taehyung into the bed to continue his nap before helping Seokjin get Yoongi into a comfortable position.

“Yup and we will start you on the hormones while he is sleeping,” Hoseok reveals and Seokjin nods, eyeing his boyfriends on view body, “You really toned,” Seokjin mumbles, not even noticing when Yoongi latches, occasionally biting.

Hoseok rolls his eyes with a smirk, “Maybe tonight, but we’re busy right now.”

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