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“Okay, my friend and his boyfriends live here and they are going to take care of you,” Jackson says and Taehyung and Yoongi nod with smiles, but then Yoongi’s face suddenly fills with concern, “Tae needs a doctor.” Yoongi says and Jackson nods, “Actually, both of you do. Namjoon is a doctor and he likes to care for people in his home.” Mark coos as if he were talking to his children, which-unsurprisingly- works and both smile again, “When we eat?” Taehyung “whispers” to Yoongi, making Jackson and Mark try not to giggle. “ One of Namjoons boyfriends, Seokjin, is a chef, so he is cooking for you as we speak,” Mark says and Taehyung starts bouncing, whining when he accidentally faces the wrong part of the window and the brightness hurts too much.

“Alright, here is something to cover your eyes with, Mark and I are going to carry you in, okay?” Jackson says, handing the boys bandanas. Taehyung and Yoongi nod, holding the cloth on their eyes and relaxing into the couples grips as they are picked up and carried up a set of stairs. “What’s smell?” Taehyung asks, sniffling from Jackson's shoulder since he was slightly heavier and definitely taller. “Smells like chicken and macaroni, Seokjin must be cooking for you two,” Mark says, knocking on the door that is instantly ripped open to reveal a very worried Seokjin.

“Don’t just stand there, take them to the kitchen! I already dimmed it and cooled their food,” The male says and Yoongi’s ears perk at the soothing sound, “Sounds like what Yoongi say pretty look like,” Taehyung says and Seokjins heart falters in sadness at the statement before he shakes it off and follows them to the kitchen, ignoring the fact that they smell like feces and mildew.

“What that?” Taehyung whispers to Yoongi when they are set in seats with food and drinks in front of them in the almost light-less dining room. “Thi-think i-is milk, but don’t kn-know why it colo-color,” Yoongi responds while Seokjin sits in the seat across from them, “It has chocolate powder in it to make it sweet and yummy!” Seokjin giggles out, hoping that treating them like children will help them be more comfortable. Taehyung simply stares at the food with longing while Yoongi looks at the beautiful man in front of him, “C-can we e-eat, ple-please?” Yoongi asks and Seokjin nods, “Of course, I made it for you! And after you finish eating, you get to take a bath with bubbles!” Seokjin states and Yoongi’s eyes widen since Taehyung is too busy eating his food as fast as he can, which concerns Seokjin, “Taehyung, sweetie, slow down or you might get sick. I won’t take it away and if you want more, you can have more.” The adult says while Mark and Jackson sigh, “We have to go get the kids, so will you be okay with them?” Mark asks and Seokjin nods before turning his attention to the boys at the table when he sees the frown out of the corner of his eye, “I-I d-don’t kno-know how,” Yoongi says with a frown and Seokjin shrugs, “I can help you two, no problem, but I want you to eat first. If eating hurts, you can just drink the milk if you want.”

Yoongi goes to take a bite of food, but whines when he bites down, so he puts it back on the plate and starts trying to drink the milk, but spits it back in the cup and waits patiently while watching his brother eat. That was when Namjoon decided to walk in and sit next to his eldest boyfriend since the two boys didn’t notice them.  “What have you noticed?” Namjoon whispers and Seokjin sighs, “I think we will have to pull out most of Yoongis’ teeth, give a lot of antibiotics to Taehyung, both of them need weight gaining powder drinks twice a day if not every second of the day. They both need immunizations, eye infection treatment, and major hygiene help, which I will do when they finish eating, so go get Jimin to start with the bath and get out baby soap and scissors.” Seokjin says and Namjoon nods, looking to the boys with a saddened expression, “Okay and when you bathe them, get their eyes used to a little more light and looks for injection sites on them, Jackson said that Cray had an empty syringe on him that was used.”

“Bewy huwt.” Taehyung whines and Yoongi puts down the half-finished milk to move and sit on the seat with Taehung and cuddle him. “C’mon, I’ll take you two to get a bath,” Seokjin says and picks up both boys, one on each hip. “Who ‘i he?” Yoongi mumbles, looking at Seokjin with a confused expression. “That is my boyfriend, Namjoon. He is going to be a doctor for you two once you are all clean, that way you can get all healthy!” Seokjin squeals and both boys giggle in delight at the slight bounce they get. “The first thing I want you two to start doing is adapting to light. I want you to stay in the bathroom with the dim lights on, I know it will be uncomfortable, but it will help me be able to give you medical treatment,” Namjoon says and though the boys don’t understand most of what he said, they get the gist of it and nod, squinting when Seokjin takes them out of the room into the lit hallway that leads to the bathroom.

“Awe, you two are so cute! I’m Jimin, another one of the boyfriends, the other two are teaching a dance class, so you will meet them in a few hours when they get back,” Jimin says when Seokjin walks into the bathroom with them. “The water is prepared like it would need to be for an infant, so you can just put them in,” Jimin ads towards Seokjin who nods, setting them on the counter before stripping them of their clothes, “Yoongi, do you know what a shot is?” Seokjin asks, knowing that Taehyung doesn’t.

“Ma-master put one in m-my neck today,” Yoongi says and winces when Seokjins hand brushes over his stomach. The adult's eyes widen and he turns to a frowning Jimin, “Go tell Namjoon that he injected something into Yoongi and he is having extreme abdominal pain,” Jimin nods and runs out of the bathroom while Seokjin places them in the tub, making Taehyungs eyes widen while Yoongi smiles at the bubbles, “They’we so pwetty!” Yoongi exclaims, trying to smash them in his hands while Taehyung just stares in confusion, “What this?” He asks and Jin grabs a drip cup to pour water over their shoulders, “It is a bath to help you get all clean!”

The youngest in the room is instantly smiling before he slides towards Yoongis side of the giant tub, and laying down to cover himself in water, quickly sitting up after and gasping at the sudden brown of the water, “I sorry,” He mumbles and Jin grins, “It’s okay, that is what this water is for, we can refill it once we get most of this yuckiness off.”

Yoongi looks around, trying to remember how he used to get showers before landing his eyes on the baby shampoo and grabbing and struggling to open it. “You know what to do?” Seokjin asks, taking the bottle and squirting some on both boys heads. “Thi-think so,” Yoongi mumbles and starts rubbing the soap in, Taehyung watching closely before copying him. “I want you two to keep scrubbing your head while I scrub your faces and ears,” Seokjin says and almost passes out at the cuteness of Yoongi’s slip up and Taehyungs assumption from Yoongi’s descriptions of the name title. “Thank ‘ou mommy.”

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