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“Can hear princess story, pwease?” Taehyung asks as he and Yoongi cuddle in the corner for warmth like they had been doing for years. “Of course, Taetae!” Yoongi exclaims, hoping that his brother's childish naiveness will keep him from realizing how terrible everything happening to and around him, though, the elder didn’t understand too much either, he just knew it wasn’t good.

“Alright, today, I have a surprise for you two!” Master coos as he steps into his basement towards the two, near-death teens as they wince at the light coming through the door. Six years of being in a room with no light what-so-ever have caused their eyes to adapt to darkness so that they practically have night vision.

Yoongi is quick to recover and move in front of Taehyung, “Thank you, Master.” Yoongi says with his heavy lisp. It took a few beatings, but he eventually realised how to address the man correctly, he just didn’t know why it had to be certain words that just rolled off his tongue in a way that had him cringing. “At work today, we mixed some of the wrong chemicals together and think we finally got the right result. You and the other rat need to come over here.” He growls and the two boys crawl over, Taehyung whimpering as the heavily infected scrapes on his knees open again. “Head down, asses up.” Yoongi’s expression turns to pure rage as he keeps Taehyung from doing as they were told. Since he had been taking care of himself and his brother before they were taken, he had experienced the saying when he was considering prostitution around the time he was ten because they kept almost getting caught when they stole from clotheslines.

“I’m not horny today, calm the fuck down!” Master growls and Yoongi flinches, but does not stop guarding Taehyung. “Fine, let it hurt more, you can have both doses, I don’t give a fuck.” The old man growls, pulling a definitely not cleaned syringe from his pocket before bending down and stabbing it into Yoongi’s neck and injecting all of it, instead of half for each like he had originally planned. “Since you didn’t do as I told you, no food for the next two weeks.” Master then makes his way to the leaky pipe and bucket before kicking it over, “Thought you also deserved a little waiting for your water.”

The old man goes to kick Yoongi, but there is a knock heard from upstairs since the basement door was open. “You stay quiet.” He growls and Yoongi’s eyes widen, nobody has been to this house in all the time he and Taehyung have been there, so as soon the owner touches the stairs, he whispers to Taehyung, “Scream as loud as you can.” And with that, both the boys screams fill the house and neighborhood, which was all the police officers at the door needed.

Yoongi and Taehyung both go quiet when the sound of a door being broken down sounds through the house and the old man runs for it. “THIS IS THE POLICE, ALISTAIR CRAY, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!” One yells and about ten sets of feet run through the top floor. Yoongi and Taehyung simply stay curled up in the corner as exhaustion and pain from the light start to overwhelm them, but Yoongi forces himself up when the sound of unfamiliar footsteps gets closer. He looks up to see a silhouette in the sunlight that caused him to cry out in pain of the direct brightness. The officer that discovered them, runs back up the stairs to make sure there was someone to open the door for him before going back into the basement with the door closed.

“Can you see me?” The newcomer asks. “Y-yes,” Yoongi responds, tensing when the tall man sits on the ground about a foot in front of them. “My name is Jackson Wang and I am a twenty-three-year-old police officer. I have a husband named Mark and two kids named Jae and Felix. What about you?” The officer states and Yoongi pulls Taehyung closer to him, “I-i’m Yoongi and I-i am. . . . . this i-is Taehyung, he i-is thr-three years young-younger th-than me.”

“Would you like to come with me? I can get some sunglasses and clothes for you.” Jackson says and Yoongi gives him a skeptical expression, “Will you feed Taetae and help his hurts?” Yoongi asks and Jackson hides his concern with a smile and a nod. “Of course, I will be right back with something for you two to cover up in,” Jackson says and runs out of the room, taking a few deep breaths of non-fecal air before grabbing what he had requested earlier from his partner, Mark. “Babe, are they okay?” Mark asks, noticing his husbands distress. “No. I don’t think we can take them to a real hospital, too many people and germs they’ve never been exposed to. . . Call Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok. Tell them to prepare the medical room in their house for malnourished, abused, infected, mange-ridden, boys with little to no education or raising, they also may have been subject to experiments. I think they are the only ones we can trust at this point, plus with how these two boys are acting, they might be littles.” Jackson states and his husband sighs, “Okay, but why did you ask for sunglasses and hats?”

“I don’t think they have been out of this basement in over five years. They can see in the dark, but the light that comes from opening the door causes them pain.” Jackson says sorrowfully, “Can you come with me? They look a little weak to stand, I doubt they would be able to walk up the stairs.” Jackson says and Mark takes a deep breath, nodding and following his husband down the stairs while one of their co-workers man the automatic locking door.

“Yoongi, Taehyung, it’s me and I brought my husband Mark with me,” Jackson says gently as he descends with Mark by his side. “Hurts~” Yoongi whines and Jackson realizes the door is still open, “Callum, close the door until we knock!” Jackson exclaims and they are suddenly shrouded in darkness. “Than’ you!” Taehyung giggles and Marks heart drops at the sight of such an abused child, smiling while suffering.

“Jackson, none of these clothes are going to stay on them!” Mark whisper yells and Jackson sighs “The shirts will, so once we have those on them with the hats and sunglasses, we will take them to Namjoon Hyungs.”

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