Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Final Chapter

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Lexa's POV

We stood across from Vlad and his minions. They had their guns trained on us, most of them had smirks but a few looked at us blankly.

Suddenly Vlad dragged Antonio forward. I felt Koda tense next to me as she stared at her friend, he had only shorts on. He was bleeding badly from a cut on his side, black and blue bruise covered his body and his face was swollen and covered in blood and bruises.

Vlad pointed his gun at Antonio's head and shook his head. "You should have just followed my request. Now I have to do this!"


Antonio fell forward with a bullet hole in his head. I watched Koda out of the corner of my eye, raise her hands to cover her mouth. She turned away.

Vlad smirked.

I heard multiple guns getting cocked around me as we stared at the people in front of us. Suddenly there were shots being fired from all directions.

We all moved to get behind trees and rocks, as bullets flew through the air.

I turned and aimed my gun at them and began shooting. Killing several of his minions and reloading.

There were bodies covering the ground. I turned as I heard footsteps approaching us, noticing it was our back-up. There were lots of our members heavily armed. They started to unload rounds on the opposing group.

Screams of pains were heard and then nothing. We slowly started to stop. There were very few of Vlad's minions left. Some of the members quickly dealt with them.

Walking forward I saw the corpses.

Quickly looking around I found Koda standing over Antonio's body. I made my way towards her and wrapped my arms around her. She rested her head on my chest, we stood like that for a short amount of time.

I noticed Vlad's body not far from us. I slowly let go of Koda and made my way towards my Dad.

"You ok?" He asked concerned as he rested his hand on my shoulder. I nodded and smiled.

"It's over," he said as he returned the smile.

I nodded again before repeating his words.

"It's over,"

Third Person's POV

Vlad slowly looked around. He glared at Lexa as she talked to her Dad before Vlad stood up. Nobody noticed until he cocked his gun. Koda's head shot to the side as she looked at him aim his gun at Lexa. Within seconds Koda had pushed Lexa out of the way and had taken the shots.


In the right shoulder.

She raised her hand and shot a bullet that hit him in the head but it was n't quick enough as he had already shot a second bullet.

Just next to her heart.

He dropped dead. She dropped in pain.

Lexa turned at the noise of the shots and ran towards her, she picked her up and pulled her into her lap. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Begging her to not close her eyes. Kenna and Blaine kept the pressure on her wounds as she bleeds. Koda raised her hand and rested it on Lexa's face, Lexa grabbed it and held it as she begged Koda to stay with her and told her how much she loved her.

Koda closed her eyes as the pain was too much for her to deal with. Soon the members arrived there and they ran to them. Cameron pulled Lexa off of Koda. She fought, Koda couldn't leave her. She promised.

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