Chapter Eighteen

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Koda's POV

We all made our way towards the warehouse. The guards patted Cas and I down but left the rest. We walked in and all you could hear was voices. You usually wouldn't hear anything until further into the building.

Cameron and Elizabeth lead the way through the corridor. Once we entered the large room several people turned to us. Many bowed their heads slightly.

We made our way towards the booths. We all sat down. There was a couple of fights until I was on.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure walking towards us. I stood up and walked closer to the entrance to the booth.

There stood Antonio. Antonio was a close friend of mine. He was the first person I trusted within the fights. He is my source.

"Hey," he said, his voice deep and monotone. I felt someone coming up behind me, I turned slightly and noticed Lexa was coming towards me. She wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into her.

I introduced Antonio to Lexa and the rest. He was now sitting behind Lexa and I and was talking to Cameron and Elizabeth.

I haven't seen them yet and I was extremely happy about it. I don't want to see them because I don't know how I will react. Or how everyone else will react.

Suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder that it pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around and looked at Antonio. "I couldn't find out who told them. I'm sorry," he said as he looked at me genuinely apologetic. I just sighed and made a dismissive motion with my hand.

I checked the time before standing up and grabbing my bag. Lexa grabbed my hand and walked out of the booth and towards the back room.

When we entered I quickly changed out of my sweats and hoodie. Before wrapping my hands and feet. I stretched out because I knew this fight was going to be my hardest one yet.

Lexa put her hands on hips before pulling me towards her. She looked in my eyes before resting one of her hands on my face. She leaned forward and kissed me.

When we pulled apart she rested her forehead on mine. We were pulled out of our staring contest because the MC announced my fight.

Lexa pecked my lips. "Good luck," she said as I smiled at her and turned and walked out of the room.

The entire warehouse was silent as I made my way towards the ring. I noticed that nearly everyone was staring at me. People who hadn't seen me before were staring at me like I was walking to my death.

'Well that's fucking helpful' I thought.

I kept my gaze forward and noticed a guy in the ring. I guess he was Vlad and he was fucking huge. Like he was probably a foot taller than me and his biceps were the size of one of my thighs.

He looked at me and got the widest smirk ever on his face. I entered the ring and kept my face emotionless. He looked at me and started laughing. I didn't react to him.

The MC announced the fight beginning. He stared at me. He was analysing me.

He suddenly got in his fighting stance and launched a fist at my face. I narrowly avoided it and got in my stance. I watched him as he threw another punch and me. I dodged again. He then went to kick me and I dodged again. I noticed that he was getting rather irritated. His movements were slow but powerful. Once he threw another punch at me I moved slightly and launched a punch at his face. I landed it and he stumbled back slightly. Once he recovered he growled slightly before charging at me. He threw another punch to which I dodged then I threw one at his stomach causing him to slump forward. I threw another one to his face just on the other side. I then grabbed the back of his head and lifted my knee up quickly and contacted it to his face. I heard a loud crack. He slumped forward and fell onto his stomach. He groaned before slowly standing up again. He turned his head and spat out some blood before charging at me and throwing several punches at me. One did land on my stomach. I groaned slightly but threw several punches at Vlad's body all in different places. He stumbled slightly before I threw a powerful punch to his face causing him to collapse. I looked at him to make sure he wasn't getting back up.

Sighing, I turned and got out of the ring I made my way through the crowd and into the back room where I collapsed up against one of the lockers. I heard footsteps and then felt hands wrap around me and pulled me into an embrace. Looking over I noticed Lexa holding me and looking at me concerned.

She gently grabbed my top before pulling it up slightly. It revealed a black and blue bruise.

"Fuck, you're so lucky he only landed one hit on you," she said as she slowly ran her hand over my stomach. I stood up and pulled my sweats on. I went to put my hoodie on but grunted in pain, Lexa immediately helped me. She sat me down and unwrapped my hand and feet before she helped me out my socks and shoes on. She binned the wraps before helping me stand up and Lexa grabbed my bag.

We headed out the door to find that there was a fight going on. People turned to look at us but we ignored them and headed towards the booths. When we got there Cas immediately threw herself at me and sobbed onto my shoulder. I grunted slightly and this caused her to pull away. I smiled slightly.

"He hits hard," I said she shook her head before burying her face in my neck. She wasn't as vicious as before. Antonio then handed me another bag. It was heavy, looking in it I noticed that it was money. I thanked him before he left.

I was patted on the back by everyone and told well done.

Once a couple more fights were done we decided to leave. One of the bodyguards carried my bag. When we got outside I took a deep breath and looked up at the night sky. We headed towards the cars. I heard multiple footsteps we all turned around and were met with 'my family'.

"Koda?" 'my Mum' asked with tears in her eyes.

'Well, fuck'

————————————————————————Word Count - 1130

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