Chapter Eleven

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Lexa's POV

Walking out of the house with everyone I see Cassidy standing behind Koda as she holds my sleeping little sister. It's true we did do research on Koda but didn't come up with anything good.

"Maria come here please," Dad yells and soon the door opens to reveal our maid and the women who takes care of my little siblings. Dad orders her to take Beau inside. She approaches Koda and Beau but the second Beau notices her she holds onto Koda tighter.

"No leave me alone," she yells as Maria takes her from Koda and walks past us. We can hear Beau shouting until they are far enough away in the house.

Koda turns around and puts her hands on Cassidy's shoulders. "Quédate detrás del auto porque esto puede ser un poco desordenado," (Go stand behind the car because this may get a little messy). We're all confused but Cassidy looks really concerned and goes to say something until she pushes her lightly. Dad motions for our guards to walk forward. They start walking towards them with their guns raised. Cassidy looks at us worried then backs away until she is behind the car.

Male Guards - 6
Female Guards - 4

One of the male guards reaches for Koda's shoulder when Koda all of a sudden grabs his arm and throws him over her shoulder. She punches him in the face hard as we hear a crack. One of the female guards raises their gun at her but she grabs it and rips it from her grip before disarming it. The guard goes to throw a punch but Koda caught her fist and threw one of her own at her stomach causing the guard to drop to their knees holding their stomach.

Male Guards - 5
Female Guards - 3

Two more guards approach and the first one is knocked to the ground when Koda does a roundhouse kick to his head. Then she kicks the others feet from under her before kicking her in the face knocking her out.

Male Guards - 4
Female Guards - 2

Two more of the male guards run at her, one tries to kick her feet and the other tries to hit her face but Koda moves out of the way and kicks the guy that tried to hit her in the stomach. He goes flying and lands next to us unconscious. The guy that tried to kick her feet grabs her and they fall to the ground where they wrestle, then Koda hits a spot on his neck and he collapses on her and she pushes him off.

Male Guards - 2
Female Guards - 2

A male guard approached her as she is on her knees and he puts his gun to her head. "Give up," he growls. She suddenly stabs him in the leg with a switchblade and kicks his legs from under him causing him to land on his back and holds his leg that had the switchblade still in his leg. She punches him in the face knocking him out.

Male Guards - 1
Female Guards - 2

Suddenly there's a terrified voice. "Koda," she looks up at the voice and sees one of the female guards holding Cassidy and the other female has a gun at her head. The last male grabs Koda by her arm and pulls her up her feet.

"Take them to my office and make sure they don't get out," my Dad orders. The guards nod and drag Koda inside with a terrified Cassidy behind.

Looking at the unconscious and injured guards my Dad ran a hand through his hair. Another guard approached and Dad ordered him to get help for the guards. The guard nods and talks to someone through the walkie-talkie.

We enter the house and stand at the bottom of the stairs. When my mother asks a question "What are we going to do?". My dad looks up the stairs before replying

"We're going to get some answers because what she did just now, isn't something you get from fighting underground. She's been trained and I plan to find out why and who by?" He then turns and makes his way up the stairs with us following behind.

We get to his office as the two female guards from before are standing at the door. Dad opens the door and enters, we all follow him in. I see that Cassidy is sitting on one of the seats with Koda standing next to her leaning against the wall and the last male guard standing at the door. Dad tells him to leave. When he closes the door Dad speaks up.

"Please have a seat," my Dad says gesturing to one of the many seats in the room. "I'm good," she replies.

My Dad takes a seat at his desk and my Mother sits next to him. My friends and I take seats.

"Before we start why were you both at the mall this afternoon?" My Dad asks looking between Koda and Cassidy.

"I don't see why it's any of your business but I had to get a new phone because apparently, some people think it's appropriate to throw other peoples phones to the ground and destroy them," Koda says glaring at Blaine.

"Why were you with her?" He asks looking at Cassidy.

"She's my best friend and I wanted to go with her," Cassidy says fiddling with her fingers.

"I see," he replies.

"And what do your parents do?" He asks Cassidy.

"Well, shouldn't you know. They do work in your gang," she replied and all our heads snap to her. She looks at us blankly.

I look at Koda who is smirking. "Ho-How do you know that?" My Mom asks stuttering slightly. Cassidy just points at Koda.

"Why would you tell her that?" My Dad hisses at Koda.

"How about you mind your own business," Koda snapped.

"Watch who you're talking to or I will kill you," my Dad yells the vein in his neck becoming visible, which only happens when he's mad.

"See that's the thing no you won't because I just texted a friend and if they don't hear from me in the next hour they are going to release all the information on your family and entire gang to the world," Koda replied smirking.

My Dad looked shocked then smirked. "But that would include Cassidy's parents. Some best friend you are," he said. Koda chuckles then has an even bigger smirk than before.

"Oh no, they aren't included. According to this file, Cassidy and her parents have absolutely nothing to do with you or this gang," she says while playing with her phone. My Dad visibly pales when Nate speaks.

"You're lying, you're just saying that to scare us," he says. Koda just hums when all of a sudden my Dad's phone vibrates. He opens it and his face loses all colour.

"Honey, what's wrong?" My Mom asks concerned.

"You're husband was just sent a copy of the file," Koda says putting her phone away as everyone turns to look at her. She turns her head towards Nate.

"So no I'm not a liar," she says smirking.

'Oh shit'

Word Count - 1221
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