Chapter Seven

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Lexa's POV

We arrived home after school. My parents called us to my Dad's office.

"How was school?" My Mom asks as we enter. We all just reply with ok and fine. Apart from Kenna who says interesting.

"What do you mean?" Dad asks looking at her. She just shrugs.

"There is a new student," we all nod our heads.

"Ok anyway, we are going to the pit tonight. We all know Blaine is fighting tonight but there have also been rumours that Sev will be there," Dad explains we all sit there shocked because Sev is a well-known name within the illegal fighting ranks.

Let me explain Sev came out of nowhere and worked their way through the ranks quicker than anyone has ever before. They were taking down some of the best fighters. Nobody knows who they are because they threatened if their identity got out they would kill them. So the only people who know who they are is people who have seen them fight before. Rumours say that it's a guy that huge and has muscles and could kill you with a flick of their wrist. Others claim it's a girl. But we don't know for sure.

"Wait as in Sev. Like the Sev," Nate asks shocked. My Dad and Mom both nod. We are soon dismissed to go and get ready.

I take a shower and dry myself off. I also dry my hair and get dressed in a suit. Grabbing my phone, I held downstairs where I'm met with the girls in dresses and the guys in suits. Apart from Blaine who is dressed so, he is ready for his fight.

Making our way outside we get into three SUVs and start the journey there. When we turn onto the dirt road I look out the window to see many cars and bikes in the field. When the SUVs park and we get out and head to the building.

The guards nod to my parents and let us in. Walking along the corridor we arrive in the room with many other people dressed in suits and dresses. Everyone turns to look at us, many people looking away or just moving out of the way. We make our way to one of the booths that are only for people of power and status.

Soon the fights begin and many later Blaine is next. He easily takes down his opponent. Then the MC shouts what everyone is waiting for.

"UP NEXT WE HAVE COLIN VS SEV!" Once the MC announces that the people start to shout and scream. I watch as a large muscular man make his way to the ring. I recognise him as Colin one of the fighters that come here often. Then suddenly people start to shout about a girl and I turn my gaze to someone making their way through the crowd. Getting into the ring.

My eyes widen as I see who it is. Her white hair tied up into a ponytail and she is wearing skin-tight pants and top. Showing off her amazing body. My mouth is wide open.


My parents look at us confused. "She's the new girl we were talking about," Kenna says shocked.

We watch as Colin says something then starts to laugh. Koda just stands there with a blank expression.

"COLIN VS SEV EVERYONE. BEGIN!" the MC yells. But Colin is to busy laughing until Koda throws a punch at his face. He starts shouting about how he's going to kill her. But not long after he gets knocked unconscious. The MC announces Sev as the winner. Koda stands up and looks around then she looks straight in my eyes. She then just turns around and makes her way out of the ring, people immediately move out of her way. She goes into the back room. Everyone is silent and you could hear a pin drop.

Hearing the door open, I watch as Koda comes out with a hoodie, sweatpants on and a bag on her shoulder. She makes her way to the MC who hands her a bag. Probably with her money for the fight.

She turns and walks out of the room without a single glance at anyone.

'You just keep getting more interesting Koda'

Koda's POV

Making my way to my bike I put my helmet on and start the drive back to my apartment. Thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow about Lexa and the others. I sigh and just concentrate on driving.

Arriving at my apartment I go in and take a quick shower getting out I dry my hair and body and put on sweats, a loose tank top and a hoodie. I also pack a bag with my school uniform and underwear. I grab my school bag with the homework that I did earlier. Then leave again and lock my door.

I drive to Cassidy's and knock on the door getting no reply. Pulling out the spare key she gave me I open the door and lock it. Walking into the living room I find her out cold with T.V playing. Turning it off, I pick her up and carry her upstairs.

Entering her room I lay her down on her bed. I take my shoes off, as well as my socks and hoodie. I leave my bags next to her door. I return to the bed and lift up the covers I climb in and pull Cas in as well. She immediately cuddles up into me.

"Are you ok?" I hear her tired voice ask.

"Yes, I'm fine mi amor," (My love). I feel her smile in the crook of my next. I kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight Cas," I whisper to her and I hear her hum in response. Soon her breathing even outs and I soon fall asleep as well.

Word Count - 997
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