Denbrough > 🅱

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"I r-r-remeber af-fter Guh-georgie died muh-my parents cried all the ti-time. Muh-my dad would do it in Georgie's r-room, and my muh-mom would do i-it in the k-kitchen. A-and I always wuh-wondered why the cried s-s-s-so far uh-apart. I d-don't ever wuh-want to be like my puh-puh-puh-parents."

His stuttering and watery eyes were something I had encountered before. But his words were new.

He rarely ever talked about Georgie. Or his parents. Especially his parents.

"I luh-love you."

The tears had broken free and were now freely flowing from his ducts.

The sight made my glossy eyes cry.

"I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his thin frame, receiving a longing embrace in return.

"I love you and never want to see you c-cry."

His words rang through my mind, the phrase sending shock through me once again.

"I don't either."

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