Cherry Pendant

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"Call me morbid, call me pale, I've spent six years on your trail. Six. Long years on your trail..."

Morrissey crooned through my speakers, filling me with remorse and sadness.

The Smiths always reminded me of Cherry.

Her real name was Alexis, or Lex. We all called her Cherry because of her hair.

Cherry was my ex-girlfriend. We were best friends for six months before that night came.

"If you have five seconds to spare, I'll tell you the story of my life... Sixteen, clumsy and shy. That's the story of my life..."

The song filled her car, sending her into a gentle hum.

She mumbled along to the lyrics, not wanting to get too loud around me.

I knew she was insecure about her singing voice. She was insecure about everything, now that I think about it.

"Hey," I started after the chorus lessened,"I love you." I smiled cheesily.

"I love you too." She giggled back. "No...I-I love you. More than you do. More t-than normal."

She giggled again,"Yeah. I love you too. Just the same. I thought you knew that."

"You do?" I asked, my tone serious and dry.

"Yes!" She pulled the car over, leaving her headlights on.

She turned to me, resting her pale hands on either side of my equally as pale face.

"I love you, Richie Tozier." She smiled after my name.

I looked down at her chest, my eyes falling right above the seam of her red tank top.

The necklace caught my attention, as it always had.

It was a cherry pendant on a gold chain. I gifted it to her for her birthday.

While out shopping with Eddie and Bev, I walked past the small antique store.

The pendant glistened in the sun, grabbing my attention. My eyes were drawn to the jewelry just as they were to her.

I didn't even bother to interrupt their pathetic debate to alert them of my whereabouts.

Opening the door of the shop, I went to the display I spotted the necklace at.


I went up to the front desk where the clerk sat.

"What can I do for ya, sir?" He asked. I could hear the misty nights spent in a Boston pub thick in his accent.

"There's a necklace I saw. I'd like to buy it." I tried my best to sound dignified.

While it wasn't hard to look the part, my thin frame showed weakness and immaturity.

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