Being Married To Them | Cast

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-Very quiet

-Loves your kids with his whole heart

-Keeps your kids out of the spot light at all costs

-Cuddles with you every night

-Still sends you cheesy texts like you’re 13

-Reads you books on quiet Saturday nights

-Movie night Friday night

-Calls you when he can't be home for it

-"Just tell me how it was in the morning,okay?"


-Parties all the time

-He’s so horny what the fuck

-Doesn’t let on that he’s dying to have kids

-Loves them more than anyone when you do

-Gets huge copies of embarrassing photos of you

-Frames them and put them over the fireplace

-Cuddles on the couch when you watch movies

-You take baths together


-You go to Finn’s parties everytime

-Jeremy is your babysitter

-Non-stop jokes

-He pranks you

-Him and the kids ambush you and shoot you with nerf guns 

-He’s just a dork

-Takes pictures of you in the shower

-Steals your phone and tweets stupid things about you 

-“My names Y/n and I sneak peanut butter into bed at 4 AM even after Jack caught me ten times.” 


-Video games all day

-Still sends you roblox and Minecraft memes

-Plays video games with you kids all day

-Horny all of the time

-Kisses your face in the morning to wake you up

-or jumps on you

-Theres no telling with him

-Asks about the kids when he’s away

-A big softie at heart


-A giant teddy bear

-Wants a hundred kids

-Loves all of them (four)

-You listen to 80s hits every night

-You take baths together

-Texts you every day he’s away 

-Still posts pictures of you with the caption “Wow I’m so lucky to have her”


-Cuddles 24/7


-You have like five kids

-The best dad 

-Sends you roses when he’s away

-Writes you love letters randomly

-Helpless romantic 

-Spoils you every chance he gets


-You try to cook together but fail every time

-You adopt two kids

-Read books aloud to each other every night

-She can’t stand being away from you

-Paints and draws you a lot

-Sends you pictures of yourself 

-“Look at this hot girl I found online!”

-“Soph,that’s me.” 

-“I hope she’s not a 40 year old man!” 

-Stupid nicknames

-The meme couple


-You have kids by accident, but he loves them so much

-You two sing terribly in the car

-Your kids hate you when you do

-Cheesy 80s songs like “Don’t stop believing”

-You even sing the guitar solo

-You lay together and stare into each others eyes

-He sends you throwback memes

-Still asks to “Netflix and chill?”

-“My place or yours?” 

-“We live in the same house”

-A GIANT dork

Word Count: 464

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