Meeting Your Parents | Losers Club

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-Nervous lil guy

-"Thank you ma'm"

-Holding hands under the table at dinner

-His stutter was ten times worse

-They loved him


-Makes a lot of stupid puns

-Even though you told him not to

-Hinted toward the fact you fuck

-Death glares from across the table

-They didn't get it?

-They think he's funny


-So nervous he had like three panic attacks in the bathroom

-Asks unnecessary questions

-"Where'd you get this um- Spoon?"

-Eddie stfu and be normal

-vOIcE CrAcks

-He barely ate because he was too nervous

-You parents thought he was a good kid


-Not that nervous

-"So you're Jewish?"

-Awkward glances toward you the whole night

-"Thank you sir"

-Refuses to look your dad in the eye

-Your parents scare the fuck out of him

-"No that's my natural hair"


-Compliments everything

-Has your mom swooning

-Makes your parents laugh every time he opens his mouth

-Your mom still asks if he's coming for dinner every night


-Very nervous

-Compliments your moms cooking

-Asks about the history of the house

-Gets your dad on a rant about how cool the house is because it's old

-Brings dessert


-"You're the gay one, right?"

-"Any girlfriend of Y/n's is a friend of mine."

-Gay jokes all night

-"Your cooking is just Lovely Mrs.Y/L/n."


-Nervous as fuck

-Says the wrong thing and pisses your dad off

-The night is a disaster



-I already said no

-This was an awful idea

-Why did you do this

Word Count: 263

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