When They Find Your Diary | Losers Club

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-“I shouldn’t”

-“But I wanna know”

-Reads a few pages 

-“I love Bill so much, he’s the perfect boy and I could never love anyone else”

-Smiles and closes it, then gives it to you


-Reads the whole thing like three times

-Tries to make photo-copies 

-Tells the other losers what you said about them

-Takes it home with him


-Stares at it for a good minutes when it falls in front of him

-Has to take a hit off of his inhalers after every sentence

-Screaming on the inside

-“My girlfriend is adorable”

-Puts it back where he found it and pretends he never saw it


-Confused and amused 

-Teases you about it

-Reads off lines to you 

-“I never knew you hated Bev!” He jokes

-“I’m just kidding. She said you’re a slut.” 

-He’s such a shit


-Gives it back to you as soon as he sees it

-Doesn’t even open it

-He’s too nice 


-Doesn’t read it

-Writes little drawings and poems on the blank pages

-“Don’t worry, I didn’t read anything”


-Walks up to you and reads off lines

-“Y/n is love with Richie?!” 

-“Just kidding Richie, keep your dick in your pants.” 

-“She said you’re the most annoying person she’s ever met”

-Gives it back even though she doesn’t want to


-Doesn’t tell you he found it

-Takes it home

-He reads it every night

-Secretly swooning over what you say about him

-His most prized possession 


-Laughs at how corny you are

-Takes it home 

-Teases you about it

IT & Cast Prefrences & One Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora