Getting over you was the hardest thing I ever had to do

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I looked into the eyes of the boy who I loved.

The boy who had once loved me

Who I thought still loved me.

He uttered a phrase I had never anticipated him to tell me.

"I just don't love you anymore."

His shoulders lurched in a shrug as the treacherous words left his chapped lips.

The words sent me into shock. My heart broke, sending ice into my entire body. I could feel the shock in my cheeks, down to my feet.

"S-since when?" I asked, hurt heavy in my voice.

He once again employed a breezy shrug. "Why do you even care?" He asked.

I didn't answer his question. I just shook my head.

"Look, I don't want to leave whatever we had on a bad note."

His words, once again, shot through my translucent chest.

I shrugged, just as he had.

"I don't mean to sound like a stubborn bitch, but I don't want to respond anymore."

"Then don't. You clearly don't care."

He nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I turned away, hurrying to the sanctity of my house.

My chest felt tight, heartache deep in my respatory system.

My breathing became thick and labored, oxygen becoming hard to obtain.

I felt like Neil Armstrong without his helemet, or Eddie, sans inhaler.

As I ran, beady tears strang down from my ducts to my chin.

I couldn't wipe them away fast enough; my tears rich and easily replenishable, a renewable resource that wasn't in demand.

When I entered the doors of the little white haven, the pain settled in.

He dumped me...

I'm alone...

He's really gone



So...I was dumped...

Haha, yeah...this is basically what happened to me. Featuring beautiful quotes, as:

"Why do you even care?"

"I don't want to end whatever we had on a bad note" *proceeds to block bitch what ????

"I don't mean to be a stubborn bitch, but I don't want to respond anymore."

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