Time To Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

I already knew what was happening.

-I need to go to the hospital.

-I'm coming with you.

-What? No, it's your wedding, you should enjoy it!

-Mario, shut up and go help your girlfriend.

We both started running towards the exit while everybody was still looking at us shocked.

I just turned around towards Damon and yelled: "sorry!". I knew I ruined every chance of him being happy but I also knew that by making the decision to marry him, I wouldn't be happy. 

We drove really fast and we arrived at the hospital in 10 minutes. We asked for AK on the Information desk and they gave us instructions to the room where she was giving birth. As soon as we found it, we got in and tried to help her to calm down and push, but she yelled so much that the doctors couldn't concentrate and help.

-AK, look, just keep calm, stop yelling, okay?-I said holding her hand. Mario was just looking at me, panic evident in his eyes. 

-I can't! It hurts! - she yelled through gritted teeth. 

-Just push..Okay? Push!-she obeyed me. I encouraged her.-Push! More..Come on, just a little bit more..

-I can see the head.. -the doctor said.

AK yelled again in pain.

-You can do this, come on!

After an hour or so, she gave birth to a beautiful girl, Christina Anne Brommel.

I was the first person who held her. The feeling was amazing, it was beautiful. After a while, I realized my wedding dress was covered in blood, but I didn't care at that moment.

-Sorry.- AK must've noticed and apologized for it.

-It's okay.

Mario had a huge smile on his face while looking at me and the baby togeher. I smiled back at him.

He left me and her alone, but I thought we had nothing to talk about so I just gave her the baby and quietly said:

-You're going to be a great mother.

She just looked at me with tears in her eyes. I started leaving, but when I stood near the door, she finally said something.


-Yeah?- I turned around.


-You're welcome.

-Take care of him, please. And tell him I'm sorry, because of everything.-from how she said it, I knew she was being honest. 

-I will.

Mario was waiting for me outside with a grin on his face.

-How is she?

-She's fine, she just needs rest. Well, it was a long day for everyone.

-Yeah..It was.

-She said she is sorry, for...Everything.


-What happened?

-The baby's not mine.

-What?! - I was in shock. 

-I'm not the real father of Christina.

-Oh..I'm..I'm really sorry. - I put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. 

-It's okay.I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry I ruined your wedding, Jen. I'm sorry for ruining your life. I suppose things were easier before I came along. 

Somewhere We Belong // Mario GotzeWhere stories live. Discover now