Chapter 1

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The sweat dripping down my forehead did nothing to distract me of the matter at hand. Nor did the blasting classical music father had put on in attempt to distract us. My white curly hair, which had originally been pulled up in a pony tail, was now spilling over my shoulders in its unruly locks. 

Dodging Jonathon's next hit, I ducked down, using my shortness to my advantage, and landed a harsh punch to his abdomen. It continued a while like this, a sort of rhythmic dance, as it always did. I attempted to kick his side, but before I knew it I was flying and crashed into the wall at the other side of the training room. 

I grunted, a malicious smile gracing my lips. "You fight dirty brother," I scowled out, before running at him. Once I got near enough, I made a large jump, larger than a regular Shadowhunter's due to my extra blood, and flew to him, using my strength to kick him mid-hair. I fell on top of him as he came down, and then punched his face repeatedly. Once his shoulders were pinned to the ground, I smiled down at him. "but so do I."

The music came to a stop, and clapping was heard. As I got off of Jonathon my head whirled around to see Valentine. He was leaning against the wall of the training room, assessing us as he so often did. Though I won more than fifty percent of the time, he was still always pushing me to improve.

"Nice work, daughter." Valentine said, his usual wicked smile plastered on his face. 

I grunted, not caring that I would most likely get punishment for not treating him "respectfully".

Any other day, I would be pulled down to the basement for punishment, but today his smile only slightly wavered, making me confused. 

"I have decided that you will go on a mission." He said. 

"So?" I questioned. I didn't understand his behavior; I go on missions all the time. Killing a few Downworlders here and there, initiating some Circle members and whatnot. He never made an exception of punishing me because of them.

"This one is much more important." He said, deadly serious. "And long-term." He glanced at Jonathan, who was now standing slightly behind me. It was no secret that Jonathan wasn't exactly... sane. I mean he was, but the demon blood that Valentine had fed him as a baby had turned his mind malevolent. He could take down dozens of trained fighters in one tantrum. And for some reason, having me there made him a sort of calm. Not calm that he wouldn't kill all of the fighters, but calm enough to stop when he knew it was mandatory. And he didn't handle it well when I was gone from him for more than twenty four hours.

Jonathon grunted, a deadly look on his face. "How long is long-term?" He scowled. 

Valentine sighed, as if he had been expecting this. "A month." He said. "Maybe two."

"A month?!" Jonathon was shaking now. Valentine glanced to me, telling me with his eyes to calm him down. I sighed, making my way to him and running my hands up and down his shoulders.

"Hey," I said in a soft voice, though I was slightly revolted inside. "I'll be back." When he started to calm slightly, I turned back to the man who was my father.

"What is this mission exactly?"


My dozens of knives clattered as they were dropped into a duffel bag. They were each different, believe it or not. Either it was size or strength or what kind of runes I had put onto each of them. And when I say runes, I mean runes I had created.

Valentine could never figure out exactly why I can create runes. We just figured that with my abnormal blood, extra abilities were bound to come with it. And it's not like he was complaining, my runes have helped him and his cause a great deal. 

I dumped all the clothes and gear I would be needing, almost all black, into the same bag. I wasn't worrying about not being able to fit it all; a rune of mine was stitched into the bag. It called out to me, saying "Profunda vorago." Which was Latin for bottomless. The bag could hold an infinite amount of things.

As I packed the rest of the things I would need, I thought back over the mission.

The objective is for me to kill the leaders of Downworld organizations. Since father hates Downworlders, he wants me to start a war with them. If all goes well, I will go to other big cities and start killing their Downworld Leaders. 

My father has given me a list of the Downworlders. I have to kill Raphael Santiago, since he is the leader of the coven of Vampires. Luke Garroway, formerly Lucian Graymark, my father's own parabatai turned mutt. He is the Alpha of the Werewolves. Magnus Bane, the high warlock of Brooklyn. Meliorn, one of the Seelie Queen's top representatives. And finally Simon Lewis, a daylighter, the only one of his kind. 

At first I couldn't see why I couldn't just go to New York, kill all of them, and leave. I would be done within a few days. But Valentine wants me to spread the killings out, make them think they have a chance at capturing the killer. But there comes the second part of my mission. 

Jace Herondale. 

He was the boy I had seen that day six years ago. That night, I had asked Valentine who he was. And he had told me. 

His name was Jonathon, though he went by Jace. Valentine had raised him in another house. That's why he would leave us weeks at a time. That's where he would be, raising a kid that wasn't even his own. Jace was an experiment too, he had extra angel blood. That's when Valentine told me how I was his greatest achievement. While Jace was too soft, and Jonathon was too hard, I was just right. 

Jace had been there that day because Jonathon had sent Valentine a fire message while Jace was with him. The fire message told Valentine what I had done, so he had quickly returned, not bothering to notice Jace was following after him. 

After that, Valentine had brought Jace back to his other home. And just a mere week later, he had faked his death so that he didn't have to deal with the blond anymore. 

The Clave had sent him to the New York Institute, where the Lightwood family adopted him. And that's where I'll be going now. I have to go undercover at that Institute, and find out what's going on with him. If he's discovered any of his powers, any abnormalties. While there, I'm also supposed to look into the Lightwood's Clave files and find out any information that would be helpful to us. 

I closed the duffelbag with a loud zip of the zipper, slinging it over my shoulder. I checked myself once more in the mirror.

I was wearing my Shadowhunter gear, though it was a set that had been near destroyed when I fought with a greater demon. It had tears along the sides and was stained slightly from blood and demon ichor. I had to look like I was a survivor from a demon attack. The story I was to tell the Institute inhabitants was that my family had been killed in an attack, me just barely escaping. 

I grabbed one of my knives, and slit it down my arms and legs where tears were so they looked believeable. I did the same to my stomach; though left my back alone. It was already forever red from the demon metal whippings father gave me, so I don't think it's much of a problem.

I left my white hair down, though tangled it up and put some blood into it. With a last glance around my room, I slipped my Morgenstern ring that hung on a chain around my neck, making sure it was out of view.

I headed out of my room and through the large mansion, where I found my brother and father waiting for me in the main room. 

"You know all the details, Clarissa?" Valentine said, emotionless as always. 

I gave him a nod, keeping my face blank as he always told me to. Emotions were weakness.

Jonathon just stared at me for a long moment, before giving me a nod, which I returned.

I took out my stele, drawing my portal rune into the wall. And without even sparing the two men a last glance, I took hold of my duffel back and walked through.

Vote if you think Jonathon/Sebastian is creepy (or if u think I did a good job ;)

Sorryyyy for any errors

Hope you liked it
Idk if the Latin is right, because you know you can never really trust Google Translate

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