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Ok, for anyone who has read this book before December 26th, 2019, I have edited this book severely. The storyline is basically the same, but I have changed quite a few things and my writing style has gotten insanely better. So please reread if you're still interested. ;)

All characters belong to the magnificent Cassandra Clare


"Clarissa!" The voice of a young white haired boy shouted, causing the young girl to stop dead in her tracks. The girl's strange eyes opened wide in fear before she began running in the opposite direction. As her small feet dashed across the marble floors, her tangled white hair, much the same as her brother's and father's, flew behind her, its length whipping in her face. There was no changing her decision now; if she was running, she was going to run until she was either caught or her damn legs gave out. 

The young girl, Clarissa her name was, was now going at an inhuman pace, due to her peculiar blood that her father always told her made her special. Turning sharply around a corner, she could see the front doors of the mansion now, before she slammed into something. Due to her harsh training, she didn't fall, just merely stumbled.

Looking up once her balance was caught, Clarissa saw what, or in this case whom, she had ran into. It was a boy, probably around ten, so her age. He was still getting his balance back, before he looked up at her. The girl was momentarily entranced in his eyes. They were a strange gold color; though she couldn't be one to judge since one of her own eyes were golden and the other a pitch black. They were a reflection of her blood.

The boy was lanky, his face still showing the curves of childness. His tousled hair was blond, and it fell over his eyes slightly. He wore Shadowhunting gear, same as her, though it fit him a little more loose.

Clarissa's eyebrows scrunched up. Why was this boy in her home? The only ones that lived in the Morgenstern Mansion were herself, her father, and her brother, who she just remembered was still chasing after her.

Taking one last look at the boy, she shot past him, her legs carrying her out the door. She heard him calling after her, but ignored it as she ran through the meadow surrounding her house. 

She was just to the border of where the forest began, when she was swept up in a pair or large, strong arms. She yelped, and struggled, managing to get a punch into the man's face. 

"Clarissa," the man growled, and she only stopped now to see that it was her father. The man named Valentine wore a scowl, blood dripping down his nose from where she had punched him. She scowled back at him, her eyes full of hate for the man who raised her. "Go back inside to Jonathon. I will punish you later, I have to take care of something first." He dropped her and pushed her towards the house.

She glared at him once more before she began walking back. She noticed the blond boy was in the doorway now, watching her, but didn't give him much mind as she shoved past him. 

"Come along, sister." Her brother said as he met her at the end of the hallway. And sending one more glance over her shoulder at the boy, she followed him to the room where her father would punish her.

If you think a young Jace is cute af vote ;)or honestly if any jace is cute

Hope you liked it, vote, comment, & follow if you're in the mood or think I deserve it. Thx darlings.

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