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Ayyy lMAo. I'm out of my pity party, and decided to write this b/c of some music I've recently listened to :,) thanks for the people who've still stuck around even after me not like updating for like what, four weeks maybe, with a shitty last chapter? Not sure, but I'll prob feel more inspired to write later when things get more spicy uwu 

Ight, enough of me talking. This might not be the best because obviously my writing sucks but hey, I'm tryna expand my vocabulary :)

ALsO iM ruNNInG oUt oF TItLes 


Canada glances around the room, nervously playing with the sleeves to his sweater he was wearing.

"You just gonna stand there?" America bitterly asked, a hard glare being shot at Canada.

"W-What?" He stammered,  still anxiously waiting by the door for who knows what. Japan and Russia shot small glances at each other, not sure what to do.

"You got ears, no? Here, lemme spell it out for you, since you have the mentality of a four year old; Y.O.U J.U.S.T G.O.N.N.A S.T.A.N.D T.H.E.R.E?" He spelt out, staring at his nails like it was the most interesting thing in the room.

"No- I heard what you said," Canada murmured, briefly looking at his shoes.

"You guys know each other?" Russia asked, surprised. 

"No shit Sherlock, does he look like a stranger to you?" The hospitalized boys angrily scoffed, crossing his arms. Surprised, Russia stood back while sending Japan short glances.

"What's wrong with you?" Canada demanded, "he didn't do anything to you, yet your acting like he killed someone or something!"

"That's none of your concern," America growled, flipping him the bird.

"What do you mean that's none of my concern?" The smaller country seethed.

"I just don't understand why you suddenly care now, but back then you didn't!" America retailiated, "you're really sending me mixed signals here."

"That's because you were always locked up in your room!" Canada loudly shrilled.

"YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND!" The boy yelled just as loud.


"Wait-I- that w-wasn't what I meant," Canada backtracked. America got up from his bed, removing the blood packets attached to his arm and let them sag on the floor, clenching his fists as he was about to aim for Canada. Not before this, Japan restrained him as he stood there struggling in her arms.

"YOU WOULDN'T FUCKING KNOW! YOU'RE A FUCKING PUSSY ASS BITCH WHOS A FUCKING DADDYS BOY!" He snarled, blood raging to his head. Russia hurried and pulled Canada by his hand out the front door. Canada felt a wave of relief, along with a wave of heat painting his face.

"You know him?" Russia asked.

"Yeah," Canada replied, rubbing one of his arms, " he's my brother."

"R-really?" Russia questioned, a heavy pink decorating his face.

"Y-Yeah," Canada stammered, staring at the white tiled floor, "Never had the best relationship with him though." Tears streamed down his face as his eyes turned glossy. Russia sympathetically wiped the tears with his hand as he tried to pull off a smile. Canada looked up, grinning softly as he gave Russia a hug. Together they walked away, hand in hand.

——— in the room (I guess?)

"Calm down!" Japan said.


"Just- relax, okay?! I'm not sure what tension is between you two, but I'm here if you want to talk about it." Japan smiled, hugging America.

"Thanks-I... I really needed that," America sighed, fidgeting.

"No problem, oh-!" Japan gasped, " I forgot to give you something!" Quickly pulling something out of thin air, she handed him a blue and red Paper Crane.

"Was making it while you were asleep," she said, handing him the crane, "It means to bring good luck, which you might need, peppermint."

"Did you just call me a peppermint?" America asked playfully.

"You remind me of a piece of peppermint candy, sometimes sweet, 'n sometimes bitter," she replied nonchalantly, giggling.

"I can't believe you would do something like this!" America faked gasped, giggling along.

"Well I gotta blast," Japan said, taking a short glance at her phone.

"Okay," America said, holding the paper crane in his hands, waving.

"Bye!" Japan waved, tail trailing behind her. America looked down at the crane sitting in his hands.

Suddenly, he heard a text message ring from his phone.


Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't really mean it. I was just angry.

The peppermint man sighed, rubbing the sides of his temple as he turned off his phone. He really wasn't in the mood for this bs anymore.


Aye I know this is a shorter chapter than usual, but whatever. I ain't adding any music b/c I honestly don't know which song would fit, though I just know that the next upcoming chapters are prob gonna be sad asf

I'm confident enough to say that I'm no longer sulking in my pity party, and I'm not sort of eager to write this now (b/c tbh, the storyline is going by so slow I really wanted to kill myself at that point  🔫). Not sure if the heavens have suddenly gave me the willpower to do it, but heyy I'm updating now. Planning on making some changes, like the title of the story and the cover of the book (because rn it's looking really plain), and yeah. I tried adding fluff last minute as y'all can prob tell. I don't really like how I wrote Canada and Russia tho, they seem like some sort of players or some like that.

Anyways, I still have the ship from the beginning in mind, so that isn't changing anytime soon (to the people who might worry I'm taking the original ship somewhere else or some like that).

Um.. yeah. This ain't the juicy part yet, so y'all just gotta wait for a bit, if y'all know what I mean ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ

ALSO ALSO! This is first on countryhumans (though it might change, but I ain't complaining)!!! Thank y'all so much, you don't know how much I appreciate all this love 💞

🌸aNYways thanks y'all for coming to my TedEd talk show 🌸

Sc🅾️🅾️🅱️y Sn🅰️Cks 🅾️Ut 

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