Hang out?

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Aye y'all. I'm back, with what I hope to be, a long update???? Sort of???? I um, have lots of things planned, so yeah. Back onto my phone now, so chapters are prob gonna be longer now :) thanks for tuning in and reading this, means a lot. I won't spoil much, so enough about me, and more about the story!

!Lara Croft


Tapping. The sound of a tapping pencil and scribbling and scratching could be heard throughout the quiet classroom of Mrs. X.

The small clock up on the wall ticked obnoxiously as the bell was about to ring. Just any second now, any second could the math students of Mrs. X could they only leave. America looked out the pastel sky that seemed to be almost aquatic, while the clouds stood up in the sky like cotton candy at a carnival. The tree's leaves shone like jades, as wild fluorite and rose quartz flowers bloomed from the almost gaspeite green grass.  

As soon as the bell rang, almost immeditaly, everyone got up to leave. 

"Sit down, I wasn't done. The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do," Mrs. X said, scoffing. If it wasn't for the fact that Mrs. X was a teacher, she would've had a lot more on her plate than dismissing students. Everyone sat back down, knowing how petty and grudge-holding Mrs. X was. One of the reasons why eveyone hated her, and why practically everyone in the school felt sorry for the people in her class.

"Class dismissed. Don't forget to get those 5 page essays are due in by tueday," Mrs. X said, in a almost bratty tone. Another reason why she was the most hated teacher throughout the school. America didn't mind though. He'd already done it last week, so there was no biggy. It wasn't an easy task, but he did it anyway. 

America left the class as quickly as he could. He didn't want to stay in that class any longer than he had to. The noises of chatter and talk filled his ears. As he was at his locker, he saw Japan rush towards him. 

"Hey America! I-huff- I-I- I wanted to..... um ahem, ask you if you wanted to hang out on f-fr-riday?" Japan asked, a smile gracing on her lips as she twirled with her thumbs. 

"A-ah, sure. Don't have much to do anyways," he said, closing his locker after getting his backpack out, trying to put together a smile on his face. 

"Hehhehehe! Cool!" Japan said sincerely, twirling as she held a camera in her hand that seemly came out of nowhere, "See you later then!"

"Yeah, see ya later," America whispered. 

America walked out of school, pulling out a small cookie he saved from lunch while taking out his phone. Obviously not looking where he was going, he bumped into someone. That someone was..... oh, it was Russia.

"Ack! Ah, sorry. Wasn't looking where I was going. My bad," America apologized. 

"ʇɐʎlq ɐʞʎɔ, it's all good," Russia responded, almost desperatly to get out of a situation he was currently in. America looked up from his phone, and saw Belarus with her arms crossed, and Ukraine staring and America weirdly. He didn't understand. He never really understood anything, to be honest. Belarus huffed as she turned her head to the left, the morganite bow at the back of her head swaying with her, in almost disapointment. 

"Well, I've gotta go. We gonna head out," Russia said, pointing his thumb in America's general direction. America suddenly jumped out of his skin.

"Ah- wha- what?" america quietly whispered, elbowing Russia in the process.

"Let's go," Russia said, pulling America's arm.

"HEY! I- I WASN'T DONE TALKING WITH YOU!" Belarus screamed. 


"What was that for?" America asked.

"I just didn't want to talk to Belarus," Russia shrugged, "I mean, we're friends, but she's too over-protective. Thinks that she's my only friend, or something."

"Uh... yeah, okay," America replied, "I'll just be going now."

"Ah- wait! I wanted to ask you something," Russia said.


"Ah- well, I wanted to know if you were free this friday?" Russia nervously laughed.

"O-oh, um, well Japan kinda asked me already," America said, scratching the side of his cheek.

"Well, can I come along too?" He asked.

"Um, sure? I'm not sure what she would say though," America said.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, right?" 


AHHH! Okay. I apologize for not uploading for what, two weeks? I just lost all motivation, and thought it was a bit confusing :( I am writing a kinda more fluffy-er book, called "listen to the beat of my drums," so if y'all can check that out it would be nicely appreciated :) anyways, I'm probably gonna be back on my regular schedule for updates, so there's that :) it's nice to hear feedback from y'all, so if y'all have recommendations or ideas, hmu. Aaaanyways, chap chao!

!Lara Croft 

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