Hearts On Fire

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Damien x Reader

It was a quiet cold December morning in the mountain town of South Park Colorado. Everyone was asleep except for the town sweetheart , (y/n] (l/n]. She was awake and outside playing in the snow. Catching them on her tongue and making snow angels. Her (e/c] eyes sparkled in the low morning sun. Her (s/c] skin reflected the pale sun and sent her reflection bouncing off in several directions. No doubt school would be closed today.

However there was also another who was awake, and watching the girl from under the earth. Damien Thorn. He was intrigued by the girl who was the apple of every boy's eye in this town. Damien smiled as he watched the girl make yet another snow angel. The snowflakes caught on her long eyelashes and her cheeks and nose were turning a rosy color, which added to her beauty. Her soul was as pure as the milky white snow.

"Damien? What are you up to son?" Satan came from his bedroom and watched his son. Damien panicked and turned the portal off. The beautiful image of (y/n] fled the screen.

"N-nothing father. I am simply staring off." Damien said reaching up to scratch behind his neck.

"You're lying. You scratch your neck when you lie. I know you son, now why are you up so early staring at the portal?" His dad asked.

"I-it's this girl. Her name is (y/n] and she's the prettiest girl at the South Park elementary school. She was playing in the snow, and I wanted to make sure she was alright." Damien said looking up at his father.

"You like this girl do you not?" Satan asked.

"Yes I do. Man, I can't keep anything from you dad." Damien said smiling.

"Why don't you go talk to her?" He asked. Damien's eyes widened and he nodded. When it came to talking to girls, he was as clueless as Momoka.

Damien put on his black coat and ran out of hell towards the portal. He instructed the gatekeeper to let him through, and told him the correct place and time to set the coordinates to. The portal roared to life and sparked many colors of blue, purple, and red. The prince of hell sighed and walked through.

Damien looked around and saw he was right outside (y/n]'s house. He walked around to the back and saw through a crack in the fence that she was still outside playing. "You'll catch your death out here you know?" Damien asked as he jumped on top of the fence post. The girl looked up and saw the mysterious boy hovering over her.

"I think I'll be alright." She said smiling. "But thanks for the concern." She added as she went back to her business. Damien turned away to walk, but heard a faint *achoo*. He turned around to see the beautiful girl rubbing her nose.

"See. You're sneezing." Damien said with a frown.

"I'm *achoo!* I'm fine. Don't *achoo* worry." She said frantically rubbing at her nose. Damien jumped from the fence and stripped himself of his jacket. He lay it atop (y/n]'s shoulders.

"Let's get you inside." Damien said. She nodded and followed the boy into her house. Damien cranked the hearing up and made some hot chocolate. He have a cup to (y/n] and sat down with her on the couch.

"Thank you. For everything." She said. Leaning into his shoulder and snuggling up. Damien's eyes widened as he watched the girl slowly fall asleep. He smiled and patted the girl on the head.

"You're welcome." He said as he kissed her forehead and fell asleep with her.

Sawyer's Note: Thank you all for reading. I was brave enough to put a Sgt. Frog reference in here because I had just started re-watching the series. Is it bad that I just now realized that Damien's character was based off the Omen series? Anyways, please leave a like and a comment and be sure to slap that follow button as well.

~Kukukuku [(@=@)]

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