Middle Fingers Up

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Craig X Reader

"Craig Tucker! Did you just flip me off?" Mr. Garrison asked the boy in the blue hat. Craig stared at his hand which had only his middle finger up. He put his hand down and muttered a "no."

"To the counselor's office now!" The teacher screamed as Craig gathered his things and began to walk out the door. He took a fleeting glance at the class before his eyes lay on his best friend and partner in crime.

___ ___.

She nodded her head slowly before turning her attention back to the class. Whenever Craig went to the counselor's office, ___ would flip the teacher off in his absence. They had so much in common and yet they were so different.

Craig was so... Craig, I guess. The raven haired boy was known for his uncanny ability to sneak out of almost anything, and flipping off anything that moved. He loved his pet guinea pig, Stripes, to death, and he had a "fuck you" attitude to him. The perfect match to ___.

She was very smart and beautiful with long luscious (h/c) hair and piercing (e/c) eyes. She had a thing for more exotic pets, and she was actually allergic to guinea pig fur. How ironic.

Craig gave her a smile before taking his leave to the counselor's office. ___ took her usual slouching position and kept her eyes on Mr. Garrison's movement. As soon as he turned his head, ___ raised her middle finger so high everyone gave a gasp at her cockiness. Of course, the teacher heard them, and immediately turned around to see ___ in mid-flip off.

"___ ___! Did you just flip me off?" Mr. Garrison screeched. He would expect this kind of thing from Craig, but one of his smartest students? "I never thought I'd see the day, but... Go to the counselor's office." He said as he put his hands on his hips.

___ blinked a few time to make sure she had realized what he just said, shrugged her shoulders, and gathered her things.

She walked outside and put her things in her locker. It was 3:15 so she would probably just go straight home. She grabbed her book bag and set course for the counselor's office. She knocked on the door and heard the unmistakable "come in m'kay."

___ entered the room and saw Craig sitting in a chair on her left. She took the seat on her right and watched as Mr. Mackey stared at her stunned. She was never a problem child, so seeing her was definitely new.

"___, are you having some problems, might I ask why you're here?" He asked.

"I got caught flipping off the teacher." She said relaxed. She saw Craig face palm himself.

"When I said cover me, I didn't mean cover me here. You weren't supposed to get caught!" Craig said.

"Hey it wasn't my fault! Blame our class! The gasped so loud Garrison had to turn around! There was no time for me to put my hand down!" ___ defended herself.

"Well you should have thought of that bef-"

"You two shut it m'kay!" Mr. Mackey said. "Now I don't know what is going on, but you two are going to cut it out m'kay?" He asked.

"Yes Mr. Mackey." They said in unison.

• • •

After a stern talking to, the two were sent on their way to go back to class. "Say ___. What time is it?" Craig asked as he put his hands in his pockets.

"It's 4." She said looking at her watch.

"Wanna play hooky?" Craig asked. ___ looked at him funny.

"Hooky at 4. We get out in 15 minutes. Why do you want to play hooky? That's pretty lame Tucker." She said.

"Better than listening to the vultures." Craig said.

"Got that right. I swear if Mr. Mackey said m'kay one more time, I was gonna wring his fucking neck." ___ said smiling. "Why not?" She asked.

Craig smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Let's go." He said as he grabbed her hand. Her cheeks erupted into flame as he dragged her towards the front of the school.

"What are yo two doing? Get inside this classroom this instant!" Mr. Garrison's face peeked out from the door.

"Shit!" ___ said as she watched him walk towards them. "What do we do?" She asked.

"We do what we do best... RUN!" Craig screamed as they bolted for the door. Throwing their middle fingers up the entire way.

They bolted through the door and to the crisp September air. Thy panted for breath as they made it to the road outside the school. "No... Good.. We're still on... School... Property." ___ said gasping for breath.

"Yeah... Let's go." Craig said as they began to walk towards the coffee shop.

The grabbed their coffee and sat down at a table. "Gotta tell ya ___. That was some risky shit you pulled." Craig said taking a sip at his coffee.

"Thanks Tucker... You too." ___ said with a faint blush creeping on her cheeks.

"Hey did you put too much blush on or something? Your cheeks are really red." Craig said examining ___'s beautiful face.

"N-no. I guess I'm just cold." She said as she tried to think of a solid alibi.

"Then come here." Craig said as he opened his arms. Craig was never the hugging type, but he would become one for ___. He couldn't explain it, when ever she was around, she would make his brain go fuzzy and his arms feel tingly.

___ hesitated, but slowly moved towards the boy who offered his warmth. She got to where they were inches from each other, and she snuggled into his chest. Craig wrapped his arms around her, and put his chin atop her head. She was blushing like a madwoman now. "Hey ___~" Craig cooed.

"Y-yeah?" She asked.

"Can you look at me for a second?"

___ lifted her head up and watched as Craig slowly leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on her lips. It took a while for her brain to process what was going on, and she finally kissed back. Her arms wrapping around his neck, and his going to her waist.

___ knocked off his hat and ran her fingers through his soft raven hair.

"I like you ___, maybe even love you." Craig as they pulled away from the kiss.

"I love you too... You're also my middle finger buddy... Middle finger swear you'll stay with me?" she asked.

"Middle finger swear." Craig said as he held up his middle finger and intertwined it with hers.

Sawyer's Note: Thank you guys for reading. I've been arching Black Butler lll, and I'm super excited. I might even write an OS book if I feel like it. If I do, it'll be just like this. Anyways, peace out.


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