Young Love

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One-Sided Ike x Reader

It was a warm spring afternoon and Ike had just gotten home from school. Kyle would be home in about an hour, and hopefully he would bring his friend.

___ ___

She was so beautiful with her e/c eyes and her h/l silky h/c hair. She was the very picture of beauty and Ike desperately wanted to tell her theatrics, but whenever he tried, the young girl took it as a joke.

Ike sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Yo Gabba Gabba was playing, and Ike say and sang along to the music. He could picture himself there next to the characters and having so much fun.

Eventually, the sound of a key turning a lock was heard, and Kyle came in through the door with ___. Ike shot his head up and took a long look at the pretty girl. "Kyle! ___!" Ike said as he jumped down from the couch and ran over to hug his older brother, and then the girl.

"Hey Ike!" They said in unison. ___ picked him up and smiled at him.

"Who is my favorite little boy?" She asked.

"Me!" He replied.

"What about me?" Kyle asked the girl in reply. He gave her a slight pout and stuck out his lip. ___ smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Ike noticed and began to lower his head. Was she dating Kyle? No... Ike wanted her, probably more than his brother deserved her. ___ set him down.

"Alright Ike. We have to go up and do homework now, but we'll be down to play with you later. Okay?" She asked.

"Yay!" Ike replied with a fake sense of enthusiasm. Kyle and ___ nodded and ran up the stairs to get their work done. While Ike was planning how to get her to like him.

There were the steroids he had from the Taming strange incident.

He grabbed the small pills from his mom's medicine cabinet and rolled them in his fingers. He took two of the small pills and shoved them down his throat. He automatically felt the effect start to take place in his body. He felt his vocal chords get stronger, and stretch. He felt zits forming on his face, and facial hair popping up. He even felt a small dropping feeling in his pants. (I legit have no idea how it works, so please forgive me if that's not how it goes)

Ike let out a small chuckle, and went back to sit on the couch. He turned the channel to a different station. An almost topless girl caught his attention, and he paused his flipping and took a look at the girl's full D-cup boobs. That red lingerie looked good on the model, and he wondered how well it would look on ____.

Speaking of her, he heard a door slam from upstairs, and a pair of footsteps walking down the stairs. "I forgot my glue stick... Ike? What are you watching?" ____ asked.

"Oh nothing. Just a small infomercial." He said in his deep set voice.

"What happened to your voice, and why do you look like you aged ten years?" She said walking around the couch to face Ike. He gave her a small smile and waved to her.

"Isn't it great? Now I can be with you." He said.

"Be with me?" She asked.

"Yeah... ____ I love you. I always have and always will." He said. He watched her expression change from wonder to shock, and then embarrassment.

"Oh Ike... Don't you know I'm dating your brother?" She asked.

"Yeah I know, and it's pissing me off. What is it ____? What does Kyle have that I don't have?!" Ike got up from his sitting position and stood up so he was at almost eye level with his crush.

"Well for one thing he's my age. Second of all Ike, you can't take steroids and think you're my age. It just means you hit puberty too early. You're still 4 years old, and that won't change. I'm sorry Ike, but I hope you know I can't be with you." She said with her hands on her hips.

Ike felt his world collapsing on him. His crush had just given him a perfect reason as to why she couldn't and won't date him. He felt tears pricking his eyes. He just poured his heart to her, why won't she accept him? He sighed. "I guess you're right. I should just wait for love, and stop chasing the one's I'm too young for." Ike said.

"There you go. Now I have to find my glue stick. When I come back when Kyle and I are finished with homework, you better be back to normal, and that garbage better be turned off!" ____ said pointing to the tv. Ike flushed and nodded his head. She nodded and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before walking to the kitchen. Ike gave her a small smile.

"My bro sure knows how to pick em'" he said as he turned the channel back to Yo Gabba Gabba.

Sawyer's Note: Thank you all for reading... Sorta. Now I have a small announcement. I'm going to take a week off to work on my BB book. I'll still be around and I'll give an update when I'm ready to come back. Sound fair? Okay good. See ya around. *clap clap*



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