Who Do You Love?

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Jimmy X Reader

You ran down the hallway as fast as you could to behind the stairs and saw him there. " Y/N, I see you got my t-t-t-text." Jimmy said.

"Yeah... So what did you want to talk to me about?" You asked.

"I wanted to tell you about a c-crush I've had for a l-lo.. L-lo. A crush I've had for a lo.." He stopped and stared at you.

"Long?" You asked.

"Yes. A crush I've had for a long time." He said. Your cheeks erupted into flame. Did Jimmy have a crush on you? No it can't be. Jimmy has been your best friend since the 1st grade, and he's never shown anything towards you except for friendship.

"Okay... What do you need my help on?" You asked.

"I've r-r-really liked this girl for a l-long time, and I was hoping you c-c-could help me make a f-f-f-f-first impression on her." He spoke softly almost in a whisper.

"Oh well umm... Girls like honesty and compassion. You have to walk up to her and say 'I really like you. And I have for a long time. Would you do me the honor of going out with me?' Say it with confidence." You replied.

"Th-thank you Y/N... Y-y-you're a great fr-friend." Jimmy said as he hugged you and walked away from the stairs.

-----{At Lunch}-----

You slowly swirled your yogurt around in the cup thinking of the lucky girl that got to be Jimmy's girlfriend. "Aye Y/N, you look sad." Eric said from in front of you.

"Mm? Oh yeah, Jimmy came up to me today and asked for advice on this girl he really liked." You said honestly.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would Jimmy ask for advice from the girl he liked?" Kyle asked.

"What?" You were confused.

"Yeah Y/N. Jimmy has had a crush on you ever since the 3rd grade." Stan said.

"He keeps talking about how sweet an gentle you were, while also having an amazing reputation. Remember when you socked Cartman for hurting him?" Kenny mumbled through his jacket.

"Hey! We were going to let that go you poverty-stricken asshole!" Eric screamed.

"You're scaring me Eric... Stop screaming!" You yelled back. He huffed and then sank back in his seat with his arms crossed.

"H-hey Y/N. Can I talk with you for a second?" Jimmy came up and asked.

"Uhm.. Sure?" You said as you followed Jimmy to the outside of the school.

"Y/N I really like you. And I have for a long time. Would you do me the honor of going out with me?" He asked with absolutely no stuttering.

"J-Jimmy I... Don't know what to say." You spoke softly. Jimmy smiled a little. You couldn't help but smile back and ran up to hug him.

"Yes." You said into his shoulder.

"Th-thank you Y/n." He said as he pulled away and kissed your lips softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Today was a great day, thanks to the boy with the crutches.

Sawyer's Note: Hiya! Thank you all for reading. Leave a comment or suggestion on who I should do next. Thank you all and goodnight!

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