"What do you mean?"

"It was hard for me to trust and when Can showed up in my life, I almost didn't trust him enough."

"Ah. I see. Do you know how many people are aware of this drug incident? The truth behind it?"

"With Can as my champion? Probably half of Thailand. Everyone who badmouths me in his presence gets told off and he doesn't have a natural sensor or filter."

Ah. I phased that incorrectly. I had wanted to know if he was aware of anyone who knew of Tul's plan from it's inception. Still he answered my question anyway. If he did know someone, he would have mentioned it for sure. He didn't have that kind of loyalty to his brother to hide anything. "If I said to you that I thought your lover was behind this?"

"I would tell you that this elaborate scheme or whatever this is, is too subtle for Can and if there isn't a big dramatic explosion, it's not worth it for him. He only watches action movies for fuck's sake." Now Tin looked disgusted, as thought he had suffered through one too many of the said movies. I inwardly sigh. I like action movies.

"What time did you return yesterday?"

"Around 11 last night. We were actually supposed to be back since Sunday but the client requested that we stay a little longer. It was worth it. We got the deal."


"Thank you."

"Does your brother and father know?"

"No, and I'm not about to tell them. If they switch the deal back to Tul, he'll withdraw and that's going to cost us big."

I nod and stand. I've felt from the start that Tin isn't directly involved in this. It's strange because this guy does have the subtle kind of thinking needed to pull this off. For that, he'll remain high on my suspect list. My personal take thought, is that he don't care about these people to go so far as to do something this elaborate. He only cares about Can. I do believe Can is a part of this. However he's not alone. I shake the man's hand and amble out.

Can and Ae are a part of this for sure. What about the shy Master Pitchaya? He loves Ae. It's clear to anyone looking. I need to see him next.

I make my way to the lovely Noir. I park there and contact my partner before calling the cell number written on the card. It rings out but before I can call the other numbers there my call is returned from a private number.

"Good afternoon. I missed a call. How may I help you?"

"Mister Pitchaya?"

"Pete is fine, thank you. May I ask who's calling?" This guy is super polite.

"This is Officer Dami_"

"Oh of course. I am currently at the office. I'll ask my secretary to have them ease your way up."

Well... That was easy enough.

I walk in and ask the front desk for Mister Pete's office. They direct me to an elevator where a young lady is waiting. She smiles sweetly after asking my name and takes me directly to Pete who greets me with a smile and a firm handshake for a guy who looks so soft. I look at him more closely now.

"Actually Officer Dami, after your questioning, can I ask you a few of my own? It's not on the same lines. I had the intentions of calling the station and asking to see who I can find to consult with but since your here..."

"I'm fine with answering questions as long as I know the answers."

Pete suddenly smiles and it brightens up the entire room. I blink in shock. Until he says, "Ae says that all the time." This guy. Anything to do with Ae is like life blood to him of something?

The Man I Became... Because of You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now